I have successfully started polling our AWS instances with the method "Cloud Discovery without a Hybrid Cloud Observability License" using the guide https://documentation.solarwinds.com/en/success_center/orionplatform/content/core-cloud-getting-started-resource.htm
I wanted to know if there are any limitations in what SolarWinds can retrieve from AWS? I have used the JSON code that is provided in the above link (pasted below for quick reference) and that has retrieved information, but can we retrieve even more information for things like RDS databases if we use the following (I have tested and it doesn't seem to retrieve information about our RDS instances):
Or are we limited to only what is referenced in the above link?
The JSON code/statements from the above link:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"