I'm trying to run search query for "SysLogHost" and I see that some SolarWinds query string parameters are missing comparing to Papertrail.
1) As far as I see, SolarWinds searches backwards from present to past, from "endTime" to "startTime". Is it correct?
2) How can I search backwards from "endTime" to the past, page after page? SolarWinds returns an error in this case.
3) how can I search forward from "startTime" up to the present moment (papertrail "tail" parameter)? I need it because I return logs to the user in this order, page after page.
4) how can I search based on a log ID (papertrail "min_id" and "max_id")? I see that "skipToken" depends on the searched text and is not strictly bound to the log ids.
5) how do I use "pageInfo.prevPage"? I cannot obtain it by running queries.