Hi - I am looking to get a way to list all of our Nodes and include what resources are being monitoring.
Using SWQL, I can get the nodes inventory but it doesn't include what resources are included with the nodes.
Thank you
Hi - I am looking to get a way to list all of our Nodes and include what resources are being monitoring.
Using SWQL, I can get the nodes inventory but it doesn't include what resources are included with the nodes.
Thank you
Try this.
SELECT [Nodes].IPAddress ,[Nodes].ObjectSubType ,[Nodes].Caption ,[Nodes].StatusDescription ,[Nodes].Volumes.Caption AS [Volume] ,[Nodes].Volumes.StatusDescription AS [VolumeStatusDescription] ,[Nodes].Interfaces.Name AS [InterfaceName] ,[Nodes].Interfaces.StatusDescription AS [InterfaceStatusDescription] ,[Nodes].Applications.DisplayName AS [ApplicationDisplayName] ,[Nodes].Applications.StatusDescription AS [ApplicationStatusDescription] ,[Nodes].Applications.Components.Name AS [ComponentName] ,[Nodes].Applications.Components.StatusDescription AS [ComponentStatusDescription] FROM Orion.Nodes Where [Nodes].ObjectSubType LIKE '%WMI%' OR [Nodes].ObjectSubType LIKE '%AGENT%' OR [Nodes].ObjectSubType LIKE '%SNMP%' Order BY [Nodes].Caption ASC
Excellent and Thank You bobmarley
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