Show Difference in SCM Alert


Is there a way to show the difference in changes in the SCM Alert. I'm wanting something similar to NCM Real-Time Configuration Change Detection? It would be nice to be able to review the alert and see the difference and either go to SolarWinds to learn more or move on to the next email because the change was expected.

  • 1st go making a custom alert for this, and with baselines in mind rather than pure change
    A macro like this produces a correct URL, however it's making some unsafe assumptions at the moment - Alerting at the node level but having potentially several profiles and elements that could change means there's a many-to-one relationship between PolledElementIDs and NodeIDs, and this is currently selecting just one. I'd need to have this generate URLs equal to the count of total profiles changed per node with baseline diff, or something like that. Havnt fully got my head around it yet.

    In theory you could point a report generator at the resulting link I guess

    Havn't figured out how to interact with the diffs properly yet

    https://${OrionServerHereNotAnActualMacro}/apps/scm/contentdiff/node/${N=SwisEntity;M=NodeID}/element/${N=SWQL;M=Select top 1 PolledElementID
    FROM Orion.SCM.Results.PolledElements
    where baselinestatus = 3
    and nodeid = ${N=SwisEntity;M=NodeID}/leftVersion/1/rightVersion/${N=SWQL;M=select max(em.VersionID) as MostRecentVersion
    FROM Orion.SCM.Results.ElementMetadata em
    where 1=1
    and em.PolledElementID = ${N=SWQL;M=Select top 1 PolledElementID
    FROM Orion.SCM.Results.PolledElements
    where baselinestatus = 3
    and nodeid = ${N=SwisEntity;M=NodeID} }
    and em.NodeID = ${N=SwisEntity;M=NodeID}}

  • 1st go making a custom alert for this, and with baselines in mind rather than pure change
    A macro like this produces a correct URL, however it's making some unsafe assumptions at the moment - Alerting at the node level but having potentially several profiles and elements that could change means there's a many-to-one relationship between PolledElementIDs and NodeIDs, and this is currently selecting just one. I'd need to have this generate URLs equal to the count of total profiles changed per node with baseline diff, or something like that. Havnt fully got my head around it yet.

    In theory you could point a report generator at the resulting link I guess

    Havn't figured out how to interact with the diffs properly yet

    https://${OrionServerHereNotAnActualMacro}/apps/scm/contentdiff/node/${N=SwisEntity;M=NodeID}/element/${N=SWQL;M=Select top 1 PolledElementID
    FROM Orion.SCM.Results.PolledElements
    where baselinestatus = 3
    and nodeid = ${N=SwisEntity;M=NodeID}/leftVersion/1/rightVersion/${N=SWQL;M=select max(em.VersionID) as MostRecentVersion
    FROM Orion.SCM.Results.ElementMetadata em
    where 1=1
    and em.PolledElementID = ${N=SWQL;M=Select top 1 PolledElementID
    FROM Orion.SCM.Results.PolledElements
    where baselinestatus = 3
    and nodeid = ${N=SwisEntity;M=NodeID} }
    and em.NodeID = ${N=SwisEntity;M=NodeID}}

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