SCM PowerShell Script with Alerting (Formatting Changes)

I have a PowerShell script that I am running using SCM profiles against all of my servers. It is simply "Get-LocalUser" which gets the local users on the server. 

I have alerting set to create a ticket in Solarwinds Service Desk and send an email when a change in this script output is detected.

For some reason, Solarwinds likes to change the formatting of the text and it then triggers my alert as a false positive. Sometimes it truncates the data with "..." and then 5 minutes later, it doesn't and triggers the alert.

Of course, I have opened a ticket about this and because Solarwinds tech support is absolutely trash, it has taken them a week to tell me to restart alerting services even though I informed that the entire server has been rebooted multiple times since the SCM profile and alert have been created. 

Any idea on why this would be working like this? I have the exact same issue on another profile that checks the local administrator accounts on the server as well.

  • I am providing an update to this post and will continue to do so. 

    After more time of being passed around support only to have to upload diagnostic files over and over again and then not being responded to after multiple attempts to make contact, I was finally told to jump on a Webex session. Of course, we just looked over everything that I described before, nothing new. It appears that the tech I spoke to will be escalating this to the dev department now.

    Will provide more updates as I get them.

  • I am providing an update to this post and will continue to do so. 

    After more time of being passed around support only to have to upload diagnostic files over and over again and then not being responded to after multiple attempts to make contact, I was finally told to jump on a Webex session. Of course, we just looked over everything that I described before, nothing new. It appears that the tech I spoke to will be escalating this to the dev department now.

    Will provide more updates as I get them.

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