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Query for Muted / Unmanaged Entities


I am trying to find out a short query that can give me the list of devices which are either muted or unmanaged along with the AccountID. I tried below query as per article Report on Muted and Unmanaged Entities.

But this works only on v2023.1. When I tried the same query on v2020.2.6 on custom query widget, it says query is not valid.

Can anyone please help here?


'Unmanaged' as [Status]

,n.Caption AS [Node]

,tostring(tolocal(n.UnManageFrom)) AS [From]

,case when n.UnManageUntil is null or n.UnManageUntil = '9999-01-01 00:00:00' then 'Not set'

else tostring(tolocal(n.UnManageUntil)) end AS [Until]

,case when n.UnManageUntil is null or n.UnManageUntil = '9999-01-01 00:00:00' then '-'

else tostring(daydiff(getutcdate(), n.unmanageuntil)) end as [Days Left]

,n.DetailsURL AS [_LinkFor_Node]

,'/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-' + n.StatusLED AS [_IconFor_Node]


WHEN ae.accountID IS NULL THEN 'Audit Log Not Found'

ELSE ae.AccountID

END AS [Account]


Orion.Nodes n


    SELECT rec.NetObjectID, max(rec.timeloggedutc) as recent

    FROM Orion.AuditingEvents rec

    WHERE rec.auditingactiontype.actiontype = 'Orion.NodeUnmanaged'

    group BY rec.NetObjectID) mostrecent ON mostrecent.NetObjectID = n.NodeID


    SELECT ae.NetObjectID, ae.AccountID, ae.timeloggedutc

    FROM Orion.AuditingEvents ae

    WHERE ae.auditingactiontype.actiontype = 'Orion.NodeUnmanaged') ae ON ae.NetObjectID = n.NodeID and ae.timeloggedutc=mostrecent.recent

WHERE n.Status = 9

and (n.caption like '%${SEARCH_STRING}%' or ae.accountid like '%${SEARCH_STRING}%')

union all


'Muted' as [Status]


,tostring(tolocal(SuppressFrom)) as [From]

,case when SuppressUntil is null or SuppressUntil = '9999-01-01 00:00:00' then 'Not set'

else tostring(tolocal(SuppressUntil )) end AS [Until]

,case when SuppressUntil is null or SuppressUntil = '9999-01-01 00:00:00' then '-'

else tostring(daydiff(getutcdate(), asup.SuppressUntil)) end as [Days Left]

,n.DetailsURL AS [_LinkFor_Node]

,'/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-' + n.StatusLED AS [_IconFor_Node]

, ae.AccountID AS [Account]

FROM Orion.AlertSuppression asup

join orion.nodes n on asup.entityuri=n.uri

join (

    SELECT ae.NetObjectID, max(ae.timeloggedutc) as recent

    FROM Orion.AuditingEvents ae

    WHERE ae.auditingactiontype.actiontype in ('Orion.AlertSuppressionChanged','Orion.AlertSuppressionAdded')

    group BY ae.netobjectid) mostrecent ON mostrecent.NetObjectID = n.NodeID

join (

    SELECT ae.NetObjectID, ae.AccountID, ae.timeloggedutc

    FROM Orion.AuditingEvents ae

    WHERE ae.auditingactiontype.actiontype in ('Orion.AlertSuppressionChanged','Orion.AlertSuppressionAdded')

    Order BY ae.TimeLoggedUtc desc) ae ON ae.NetObjectID = n.NodeID and ae.timeloggedutc=mostrecent.recent

where (n.caption like '%${SEARCH_STRING}%' or ae.accountid like '%${SEARCH_STRING}%')


ORDER BY [node] asc, [status] desc

  • First, I think you should upgrade.
    Second, you can try this one:

        N.Caption AS [Node],
        DATETRUNC('minute', N.UnManageFrom) AS [Suppressed From],
            WHEN ToString(N.UnManageUntil)='Jan  1 9999 12:00AM' THEN ' - Forever - '
            ELSE ToString(N.UnManageUntil)
        END AS [Suppressed TO],
        CONCAT(DayDiff(N.UnManageFrom,GetDate()), ' days') as [Suppressed days],
        AE.AccountID AS [Supressed By],
        'Unmanaged' AS [Type],
        CONCAT('/NetPerfMon/Images/Vendors/',N.Icon) AS [_ICONFor_Node],
        N.DetailsUrl AS [_LinkFor_Node]
        --CONCAT('/Orion/images/StatusIcons/',N.StatusIcon) as Icon
    FROM Orion.Nodes N
                Max(AE.AuditEventID) as [AuditEventID]
            FROM Orion.AuditingEvents AE
            where ActionTypeID = 27
            group by AE.NetObjectID
    ) AS [LastMuteEvents] ON LastMuteEvents.NetObjectID=N.NodeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Orion.AuditingEvents AE ON AE.AuditEventID=LastMuteEvents.AuditEventid
    ( --Muted
        N.Caption AS [Node],
        Datetrunc('minute',Supp.SuppressFrom) AS [Suppressed From],
        ISNULL(ToString(Supp.SuppressUntil),' - Forever - ') AS [Suppressed TO],
        CONCAT(DayDiff(Supp.SuppressFrom,GetDate()), ' days') as [Suppressed days],
        AE.AccountID AS [Supressed By],
        'Muted' AS [Type],
        CONCAT('/NetPerfMon/Images/Vendors/',N.Icon) AS [_ICONFor_Node],
        --CONCAT('/Orion/images/StatusIcons/',N.StatusIcon) as Icon,
        N.DetailsUrl AS [_LinkFor_Node]
    FROM Orion.Nodes N
    INNER JOIN Orion.AlertSuppression Supp on Supp.EntityUri=N.Uri
                Max(AE.AuditEventID) as [AuditEventID]        
            FROM Orion.AuditingEvents AE
            where ActionTypeID in (102,103)  --  'Orion.AlertSuppressionAdded' and 'Orion.AlertSuppressionChanged' 
            group by AE.NetObjectID
    ) AS [LastMuteEvents] ON LastMuteEvents.NetObjectID=N.NodeID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Orion.AuditingEvents AE ON AE.AuditEventID=LastMuteEvents.AuditEventid
    ORDER BY [Suppressed From] DESC

  • Hi,

    Thank you for sharing it. Yes I am planning for an upgrade. Meanwhile this came up as a requirement.

    Tried with your query but seems there's something missing. It doesn't show up the accountID in Suppressed by. Its blank.

    Also, I could see it is not calculating the suppress duration properly. Unfortunately I am not able to attach the screenshot here.

  • Ok, understand. I have seen that in some installations the ID's for "actionTypeID" are not the same. Might be that you have other numbers in your installation. Run below to make sure your id's are the same as I had in this installation:

    SELECT ActionTypeID, ActionType, ActionTypeDisplayName FROM Orion.AuditingActionTypes WHERE ActionType IN ('Orion.NodeUnmanaged','Orion.AlertSuppressionAdded','Orion.AlertSuppressionChanged' )
  • I ran the query and got the below output.

    Action TypeID ActionType ActionTypeDisplayName
    34 Orion.NodeUnmanaged Node unmanaged
    64 Orion.AlertSuppressionAdded Alerts muted
    65 Orion.AlertSuppressionChanged

    Schedule for muting alerts changed

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