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SolarWinds MIB Database

This Template will download and extract the contents of the SolarWinds MIB database. It then compares the date/time stamp on the new database to that running on your Orion Server and calculates the age difference. There is no need to download a new MIB database daily, so the default polling frequency should be set at 24 hours (86400 seconds) or higher. You may need to increase the polling timeout depending on your Internet Connection speed. The MIB Database download is over 200 MB, so adjust accordingly.

  • Awesome thanks KMSigma worked a treat. 119days now reduced to 0 after I manually downloaded the MIB update and restarted services on a NPM/SAM integrated setup.

    I've tried doing the remote test though on other separate/integrated instances of NPM however it didn't work and there is no firewall seperating them.

    Any ideas?

    It appears to be doing the connectivity test since it doesn't fail immediately like it does when supplying the incorrect creds, however it does eventually fail though.

    We also have other isolated NPM servers without internet connection.

  • Awesome thanks KMSigma worked a treat. 119days now reduced to 0 after I manually downloaded the MIB update and restarted services on a NPM/SAM integrated setup.

    I've tried doing the remote test though on other separate/integrated instances of NPM however it didn't work and there is no firewall seperating them.

    Any ideas?

    It appears to be doing the connectivity test since it doesn't fail immediately like it does when supplying the incorrect creds, however it does eventually fail though.

    We also have other isolated NPM servers without internet connection.

No Data