Hi All,
This solution is going to be based on the previous work, which has been done for SWQL. Version 2 if you will... SQL based
- Be able to see all your components with problems in one convenient report/resource with click-able URLs
End result:
- Display your components with problems along-side with nodes, apps, message, etc in one SQL report
- Direct click-able links for the objects
- Status icons
- Use this report as a resource on the page
- Support for exclusions (mute) on any level - node, app, components itself and even template
- Ensure that disabled components would not show up
To be able to mute you would need to have the following Custom Properties (obviously if you already have some for this purpose - please adopt SQL script as per your set-up):
- n_mute_dashb Node's CS AS a date-type, where you can set date in the future until when to mute
- a_mute_dashb App's CS AS a date-type, where you can set date in the future until when to mute
* For the URLs to work you would need to copy paste URLs (which you can find in the SQL script below as green comments, next to columns descriptions) into Web URL field of the Orion Report Writer, under Field Formatting tab. You can also hide ID fields as they are only used to build URLs). If you will download attached Report - this is all has been done for you already
,APM_AlertsAndReportsData.ComponentStatus+'.gif' AS 'ICON'
,APM_AlertsAndReportsData.NodeName AS 'NODE' --/Orion/View.aspx?View=NodeDetails&NetObject=N:${NodeID}
,APM_AlertsAndReportsData.ApplicationName AS 'APP' --/Orion/APM/ApplicationDetails.aspx?NetObject=AA:${ApplicationID}
,APM_AlertsAndReportsData.ComponentName AS 'CMPNT' --/Orion/APM/MonitorDetails.aspx?NetObject=AM:${ComponentID}
,Round(APM_AlertsAndReportsData.StatisticData, 2) AS 'STAT'
WHEN len(APM_AlertsAndReportsData.ComponentMessage)>100
THEN left(APM_AlertsAndReportsData.ComponentMessage,100) + ' [...]'
ELSE APM_AlertsAndReportsData.ComponentMessage
END AS 'MSG' --/Orion/APM/MonitorDetails.aspx?NetObject=AM:${ComponentID}
FROM SolarWinds.dbo.APM_AlertsAndReportsData WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN SolarWinds.dbo.Nodes n WITH (NOLOCK) ON n.NodeID = APM_AlertsAndReportsData.NodeId
INNER JOIN SolarWinds.dbo.APM_Application a WITH (NOLOCK) ON a.ID = APM_AlertsAndReportsData.ApplicationID
INNER JOIN SolarWinds.dbo.APM_ApplicationCustomProperties appcp WITH (NOLOCK) ON appcp.ApplicationID = APM_AlertsAndReportsData.ApplicationID
INNER JOIN SolarWinds.dbo.APM_ApplicationTemplate at WITH (NOLOCK) ON at.ID = a.TemplateID
INNER JOIN Solarwinds.dbo.APM_Component c WITH (NOLOCK) ON c.ID = APM_AlertsAndReportsData.ComponentID
INNER JOIN Solarwinds.dbo.APM_ComponentTemplate ct WITH (NOLOCK) ON ct.ID = c.TemplateID
(n.n_mute_dashb IS NULL OR n.n_mute_dashb < n.LastSync) AND --not muted on Node level
(appcp.a_mute_dashb IS NULL OR appcp.a_mute_dashb < n.LastSync) AND --not muted on App level
APM_AlertsAndReportsData.UserNotes NOT LIKE '%__mute%' AND --not muted on Component level
at.Description NOT LIKE '%__mute%' AND --not muted on template level
n.Status IN ('1','3') AND --Node is either (1)Up or (3)Warning
n.UnManaged = 0 AND --Node is not unmanaged
APM_AlertsAndReportsData.ApplicationStatus <> 'Unmanaged' AND --App is not unmanaged
(ct.IsDisabled = 0 AND ISNULL(c.IsDisabled,0) <> 1) OR --Component is enabled on template level and is not disabled on component level
(ct.IsDisabled = 1 AND ISNULL(c.IsDisabled,1) = 0) --Component is disabled on template level, but is overridden (enabled) on component level
APM_AlertsAndReportsData.ComponentStatus <> 'Up' -- Component is not Up
Once you have configured and saved you report in Report Writer (or you can download attached) - you can then add "Report from Orion Writer" resource to any page you like (usually it would be your summary or NOC page)
Select this new report from the resource:
You are done!
How to mute
- To mute on node level: set n_mute_dashb to any date in the future you would like to mute until
- To mute on application level: set a_mute_dashb to any date in the future you would like to mute until
- To mute on a component level: add "__mute" string into User Notes field of your component
- To mute on a template level: add "__mute" string into Template description field
- Usually, when I introduce any new monitoring application - I would mute it on template level. In this case our team don't receive any alerts whilst I am testing it.
- I do use same SQL script (with just few minor adjustments) to fire email alerts. Therefore - all flagged issues can be muted by simply acknowledging an alert for a particular component. This particular check is not included in the above SQL, but please feel free to let me know if you would like to implement this and need help
- My original script (which I use in production) has few additional checks, such as Environemnt and Impact. It will only trigger if Environment is set to PROD and impact either HIGH or MEDIUM. I will discuss this solution later, as it is a very robust and flexible approach for managing scopes in the environment of any size, which deserves a separate article
Have fun
To Your Success,
Alex Soul