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Serv-U 15.3.2 Error Start Service. Error 1068

When installing Serv-U 15.3.2 the Serv-U service does not start. Error 1068. NT Authority/Network Service account failed. I configured it to log on to the Local System account and it worked.

Windows Server 2022 System.

  • I can confirm the behavior for a Windows 10 Pro system (update installed with Domain administrator account). The error message starting the service stated something about dependencies not started, but there are no dependencies for that service.

    Changing the login account solved the behaviour here as well.

    Best greetings from Germany

  • I can confirm the behavior for a Windows 10 Pro system (update installed with Domain administrator account). The error message starting the service stated something about dependencies not started, but there are no dependencies for that service.

    Changing the login account solved the behaviour here as well.

    Best greetings from Germany
