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File Management

Has anyone Successfully Created\Deployed Multiple File Management rules within a domain?


Home Directory - 30 days till execute

Home Directory\Sub folders\Backup - 14 days till execute

What worked?

Im considering System Variables Like %Home% or System Variables Like $PathName, will test and validate

Appears wild cards are not supported Disappointed

  • I dont believe wildcards are supported for File Management rules as the path is validated

  • I dont believe wildcards are supported for File Management rules as the path is validated

  • Thanks yes Im checking with support now if either wildcards or System variables maybe supported in File Management rules. Will update once I hear more

  • Seems Solarwinds does NOT support wild cards in File Management Rules.

    Their Advice as such is that If I want a different rule for subfolder\Backup Folder under the root, I would need to create a separate rule for each subfolder\Backup Directory, (IE 10 SubFolders, 10 Rules).

    And Advised to Raise a feature request, My last feature request is still outstanding for MFA support, but you never know!

    In my case I have some 700 subfolders so Not an Ideal solution!

    Given that I have some powershell experience and Azure Automation available to me I am investing time into a script that I will get Azure to run.

    Disappointing but will move on!