Login Failed when using the reports on SEM console

I initially had a login failed error Error code: -2147189176. I found this article and did exactly what it asked me to do;


When I re-tested this same scenario, it seemed to work but then I got just a Login Failed window with no error codes etc..

Version is 2022.4

What else is there to try as I can't seem to find anything else on THWACK or the internet in general?

Thanks in advance

  • If you opened a support case on this issue, can you please update this thread with the resolution? If you haven't opened a support case and are still having this issue, please do so.

  • Sorry for the delay on updating this;

    So this is the information that we received from Tech Support and it seemed to resolve the issue


    - Ensure the hostname is set to your-host-name.local (make sure it is set as same on AD DNS)

    - Generated new cert as per SEM

    - SEM - How to setup CA Signed Certificates (solarwinds.com)

    - Import the new cert and remove old manager config

    - Review the resolution on this kb :  Logon Failed. Database Vendor Code: -1301 in SEM (solarwinds.com)

    - Run the report as Administrator or with the Reports role.