SEM Agents aren't collecting events when devices are offline

We have SEM Agents on all our Win10 laptops and when the user is on the network (either in the office or connected via VPN), the SEM server collects all the system, application & security events for each device.  When the user disconnects from the network/VPN, and works offline, those logs continue to collect events, but they never find their way back to SEM.  This leaves huge gaps between event collections for each device.  

I opened a support ticket and they said when it works, SEM will store the events in this folder: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ContegoSPOP\spop\q\CommDataQueue.   I watched the engineer disconnect from his VPN and his folder filled up within minutes of queued up events.  When I disconnect from my VPN, nothing happens.  Nothing is stored in the folder, and nothing gets written back to SEM once I'm reconnected. This is concerning because somebody could attempt to hack a company laptop and we'd never see a single event from it.  

What are some ways I can troubleshoot this?  I looked in the spoplog.txt log file and all I see is the agent disconnecting from the SEM server and then attempting to reconnect.  Nothing in the logs about writing the events to a folder named CommDataQueue.  I'll post my log file in the replies.  Thanks in advance! 

  • these are the logs leading up to the disconnect.  all normal looking to me.

    (Mon May 20 15:59:25 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentVersionHeaderProvider] {main:1} SolarWinds Log and Event Agent (Release: 2024.2[] build: 2024.2)
    (Mon May 20 15:59:25 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopModule] {main:1} Java version: 17.0.10 Java home: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ContegoSPOP\jre2024.2
    (Mon May 20 15:59:25 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopModule] {main:1} Heap: 0.13 GB, cpus: 8
    (Mon May 20 15:59:25 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopModule] {main:1} OS: Windows 10;10.0;amd64
    (Mon May 20 15:59:25 EDT 2024) II:INFO [LEMSlf4jConfigurationManager] {main:1} No logging prefs classpath*:/debug-default.conf
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [Contego] {main:1} Security provider: SUN version 17
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [Contego] {main:1} Security provider: SunRsaSign version 17
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [Contego] {main:1} Security provider: SunEC version 17
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [Contego] {main:1} Security provider: SunJSSE version 17
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [Contego] {main:1} Security provider: SunJCE version 17
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [Contego] {main:1} Security provider: SunJGSS version 17
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [Contego] {main:1} Security provider: SunSASL version 17
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [Contego] {main:1} Security provider: JdkLDAP version 17
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [Contego] {main:1} Security provider: BC version 1.76
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [StatusMonitorAndController] {main:1} Starting StatusMonitor
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [Contego] {main:1} System property set: Memory=1000
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [Contego] {main:1} System property set: AlertsPerQueue=100000
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopModule] {SPOP:16} Starting TriGeo Agent (Release 2024.2) build []
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopModule] {SPOP:16} build server version string: 2024.2
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [InDepthConfigProps] {SPOP:16} nDepth enabled via default because InDepthEnable not present
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [UpdateClient] {SPOP:16} OS signature: Windows 10;10.0;amd64
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [UpdateClient] {SPOP:16} Update Bootstrap initialized
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [Contego] {SPOP:16} Initializing ConnectorAPI
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopModule] {Initialize Communications:18} Initializing Agent communications
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [a] {Initialize Communications:18} Storage file was not found, probably does not exist yet
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ToolManagerImpl] {Initialize Connectors:20} Starting connector Windows Active Response
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [WindowsCommandsSession] {Initialize Connectors:20} Windows Actions Loaded
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ToolManagerImpl] {Initialize Connectors:20} Connector Windows Active Response started: true
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [Contego] {Initialize Connectors:20} Initializing FAST
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {Initialize Connectors:20} Initializing
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [a] {Initialize Communications:18} Storage file was not found, probably does not exist yet
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [BuffBytesOneReaderOneWriter] {Initialize Communications:18} CommDataQueue BBS configured to queue directory: spop\q\CommDataQueue
    (Mon May 20 15:59:26 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ConnectorDefinitionContainer] {Initialize Connectors:20} Loaded connector pack: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ContegoSPOP\tools\ntapplication.xml
    (Mon May 20 15:59:27 EDT 2024) II:INFO [CommunicationConfigInitializer] {Initialize Communications:18} Created default node install config
    (Mon May 20 15:59:27 EDT 2024) II:INFO [CommunicationConfigInitializer] {Initialize Communications:18} Created default node communication stores config
    (Mon May 20 15:59:27 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopComm] {Initialize Communications:18} Operating System: Windows 10;10.0;amd64
    (Mon May 20 15:59:27 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ConnectorDefinitionContainer] {Initialize Connectors:20} Loaded connector pack: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ContegoSPOP\tools\ntsecurity.xml
    (Mon May 20 15:59:27 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ConnectorDefinitionContainer] {Initialize Connectors:20} Loaded connector pack: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ContegoSPOP\tools\ntsystem.xml
    (Mon May 20 15:59:27 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ConnectorDefinitionContainer] {Initialize Connectors:20} Loaded connector pack: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ContegoSPOP\tools\vistasecurity.xml
    (Mon May 20 15:59:27 EDT 2024) II:INFO [CachedProvider] {Initialize Connectors:20} fimParserMaxCacheSize is 10000
    (Mon May 20 15:59:27 EDT 2024) EE:ERR [Advapi32Util] {Initialize Connectors:20} Can't determine JVM bitness from ISWOW64Process, trying sun arch model
    (Mon May 20 15:59:27 EDT 2024) II:INFO [CachedProvider] {Initialize Connectors:20} windowsMessageMaxCacheSize is 10000
    (Mon May 20 15:59:27 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {Initialize Connectors:20} Online (normalizers: [VistaSecurity, NT Application, NtSystem])
    (Mon May 20 15:59:28 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentComCertificateFactory] {Initialize Communications:18} Init certificate parameters: {"keyAlgo":"EC","keyAlgoParamSpec":"secp384r1","signatureAlgo":"SHA384withECDSA","caSubject":"C=US,O=SolarWinds Inc.,OU=Security Event Manager,CN=SEM Communications CA","caValidityDays":1825,"managerSubject":"C=US,O=SolarWinds Inc.,OU=Security Event Manager,CN=SEM Communications Manager","managerValidityDays":90,"agentSubjectTemplate":"C=US,O=SolarWinds Inc.,OU=Security Event Manager,CN=%s","agentValidityDays":90,"validityDaysOffset":1}
    (Mon May 20 15:59:28 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComModule] {ComModuleSpop:25} We are not installed yet, certificates missing
    (Mon May 20 15:59:28 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComModuleSpop] {ComModuleSpop:25} Installing agent <computer_name>
    (Mon May 20 15:59:28 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentComCertificateImpl] {ComModuleSpop:25} Setting up agent self-signed certificate
    (Mon May 20 15:59:29 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComModuleSpop] {ComModuleSpop:25} Install agentId: 572963
    (Mon May 20 15:59:29 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComModuleSpop] {ComModuleSpop:25} autoInstall: name=<computer_name>, ipAddress=, eventAddress=/
    (Mon May 20 15:59:29 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Making request over install channel to:
    (Mon May 20 15:59:29 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Bound to local port: 0
    (Mon May 20 15:59:29 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Request completed. Reply received
    (Mon May 20 15:59:29 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComModuleSpop] {ComModuleSpop:25} Received agentId: 10074874
    (Mon May 20 15:59:29 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComModuleSpop] {ComModuleSpop:25} Agent 10074874 successfully installed
    (Mon May 20 15:59:29 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComModuleSpop] {ComModuleSpop:25} Opening installed connection to parent.
    (Mon May 20 15:59:29 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} openParentConnection:
    (Mon May 20 15:59:29 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Creating Nio Center for Client
    (Mon May 20 15:59:29 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Force flush after every nio write: false
    (Mon May 20 15:59:29 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Send socket buffer size: 65536
    (Mon May 20 15:59:29 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Receive socket buffer size: 65536
    (Mon May 20 15:59:29 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Initializing Nio Center.
    (Mon May 20 15:59:29 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopComm] {ComModuleSpop:25} NioMaintenance started
    (Mon May 20 15:59:29 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Starting Nio Center for Client thread
    (Mon May 20 15:59:29 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Create timer 'initializeNIOClient'
    (Mon May 20 15:59:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {NioComNetworkParent:28} Nio Center successfully initialized.
    (Mon May 20 15:59:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {NioComNetworkParent:28} Nio Center Connecting.
    (Mon May 20 15:59:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {NioComNetworkParent:28} Successful binding to host:, on port: 60877
    (Mon May 20 15:59:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {NioComNetworkParent:28} Beginning SSLHandshake.
    (Mon May 20 15:59:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Cancel timer 'initializeNIOClient'
    (Mon May 20 15:59:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Nio initialization successful
    (Mon May 20 15:59:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Retrieved hostname <computer_name>.<domain_name> from the network socket on agent node local host
    (Mon May 20 15:59:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Retrieved IP address from the network socket on agent node local host
    (Mon May 20 15:59:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Waiting for auth complete for
    (Mon May 20 15:59:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Create timer 'connectionVerified'
    (Mon May 20 15:59:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {NioExitQueueHandler:34} Auth message received
    (Mon May 20 15:59:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Cancel timer 'connectionVerified'
    (Mon May 20 15:59:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Auth complete for
    (Mon May 20 15:59:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Opened connection to manager at
    (Mon May 20 15:59:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Retrieved hostname <computer_name>.<domain_name> from the network socket on agent node local host
    (Mon May 20 15:59:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Retrieved IP address from the network socket on agent node local host
    (Mon May 20 15:59:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ConnectorDefinitionContainer] {Initialize Communications:18} updateFastPack tools\ntapplication.xml
    (Mon May 20 15:59:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ConnectorDefinitionContainer] {Initialize Communications:18} updateFastPack tools\ntsecurity.xml
    (Mon May 20 15:59:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ConnectorDefinitionContainer] {Initialize Communications:18} updateFastPack tools\ntsystem.xml
    (Mon May 20 15:59:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ConnectorDefinitionContainer] {Initialize Communications:18} updateFastPack tools\vistasecurity.xml
    (Mon May 20 15:59:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopModule] {Initialize RCC Server:19} Initializing the Connector Message Center
    (Mon May 20 15:59:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [RecoveryProtocol] {SPOP:16} Initiate recovery token exchange timer task
    (Mon May 20 15:59:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopModule] {SPOP:16} Initializing Spring context
    (Mon May 20 15:59:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ApplicationContexLoader] {SPOP:16} Active profiles: [agent, strongEncryption]
    (Mon May 20 15:59:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ApplicationContexLoader] {SPOP:16} Resource: file [C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ContegoSPOP\spop.conf]
    (Mon May 20 15:59:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ApplicationContexLoader] {SPOP:16} Configurations: [class com.trigeo.core.AgentSpringConfiguration]
    (Mon May 20 15:59:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastEvaluator] {Initialize Update Server Service:39} Added normalizer NtSystem, type=FastToolIdNormalizer
    (Mon May 20 15:59:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {Initialize Update Server Service:39} Reader NtSystem started, alias: Windows System
    (Mon May 20 15:59:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NtReader] {NtSystem-Windows System:41} Start location was -1. Init set to 'newest' record. record info: 1 - 5414(1 - 5414) @ -1
    (Mon May 20 15:59:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastEvaluator] {Initialize Update Server Service:39} Added normalizer VistaSecurity, type=FastToolIdNormalizer
    (Mon May 20 15:59:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {Initialize Update Server Service:39} Reader VistaSecurity started, alias: Windows Security
    (Mon May 20 15:59:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NtReader] {VistaSecurity-Windows Security:42} Start location was -1. Init set to 'newest' record. record info: 1 - 118224(1 - 118224) @ -1
    (Mon May 20 15:59:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastEvaluator] {Initialize Update Server Service:39} Added normalizer NT Application, type=FastToolIdNormalizer
    (Mon May 20 15:59:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {Initialize Update Server Service:39} Reader NT Application started, alias: Windows Application
    (Mon May 20 15:59:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NtReader] {NT Application-Windows Application:43} Start location was -1. Init set to 'newest' record. record info: 1 - 9803(1 - 9803) @ -1
    (Mon May 20 15:59:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [CommInfoAgent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Dispatching parent connect signal
    (Mon May 20 15:59:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [LogManagementRegistryClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} parentConnected
    (Mon May 20 15:59:32 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ConnectorDefinitionContainer] {ComModuleSpop:25} updateFastPack tools\ntapplication.xml
    (Mon May 20 15:59:32 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastEvaluator] {ComModuleSpop:25} Added normalizer NT Application, type=FastToolIdNormalizer
    (Mon May 20 15:59:32 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ConnectorDefinitionContainer] {ComModuleSpop:25} updateFastPack tools\ntsecurity.xml
    (Mon May 20 15:59:32 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ConnectorDefinitionContainer] {ComModuleSpop:25} updateFastPack tools\ntsystem.xml
    (Mon May 20 15:59:32 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [SecretKeyCheckStep] {Encryptfs Directory Check:46} Could not load a secret key, generating new one.
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastEvaluator] {ComModuleSpop:25} Added normalizer NtSystem, type=FastToolIdNormalizer
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ConnectorDefinitionContainer] {ComModuleSpop:25} updateFastPack tools\vistasecurity.xml
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {SPOP:16} Handler com.solarwinds.lem.encryptfs.communication._1_0.RemoveContentHandler@4bb5b54f added for message class com.solarwinds.lem.protocol._1_0.encryptfs.RemoveContent.
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {SPOP:16} Handler com.solarwinds.lem.encryptfs.communication._1_0.SetContentHandler@28865672 added for message class com.solarwinds.lem.protocol._1_0.encryptfs.SetContent.
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {SPOP:16} Handler com.solarwinds.lem.fim.fs._1_0.ExistsFsHandler@3f4f58dd added for message class com.solarwinds.lem.protocol._1_0.fim.ExistsFs.
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {SPOP:16} Handler com.solarwinds.lem.fim.fs._1_0.FsRootsHandler@7d6e9cae added for message class com.solarwinds.lem.protocol._1_0.fim.FsRoots.
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {SPOP:16} Handler com.solarwinds.lem.fim.fs._1_0.LsDirHandler@1b175181 added for message class com.solarwinds.lem.protocol._1_0.fim.LsDir.
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {SPOP:16} Handler com.solarwinds.lem.fim.registry._1_0.ExistsRegHandler@138b157 added for message class com.solarwinds.lem.protocol._1_0.fim.ExistsReg.
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {SPOP:16} Handler com.solarwinds.lem.fim.registry._1_0.LsKeyHandler@44f4981d added for message class com.solarwinds.lem.protocol._1_0.fim.LsKey.
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {SPOP:16} Handler com.solarwinds.lem.fim.registry._1_0.RegRootsHandler@4df6e7c1 added for message class com.solarwinds.lem.protocol._1_0.fim.RegRoots.
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {SPOP:16} Handler com.solarwinds.lem.fim.minifilter.communication._1_0.MinifilterActionHandler@6c4c2ca7 added for message class com.solarwinds.lem.protocol._1_0.fim.MinifilterAction.
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastEvaluator] {ComModuleSpop:25} Added normalizer VistaSecurity, type=FastToolIdNormalizer
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Destroying reader Windows System
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Stopped reader Windows System for connector ID NtSystem
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Reader NtSystem started, alias: Windows System
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Destroying reader Windows Application
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Stopped reader Windows Application for connector ID NT Application
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Reader NT Application started, alias: Windows Application
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Destroying reader Windows Security
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Stopped reader Windows Security for connector ID VistaSecurity
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Reader VistaSecurity started, alias: Windows Security
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {SPOP:16} Trying to establishing connection from the Agent to the Manager on /
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [CheckDirsWithoutPublicKey] {Encryptfs Directory Check:46} Encrypted dir configurations\fim does not exists, can't create new one without public key
    (Mon May 20 15:59:33 EDT 2024) II:INFO [CheckDirsWithoutPublicKey] {Encryptfs Directory Check:46} Encrypted dir configurations\connectors does not exists, can't create new one without public key
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {SPOP:16} Connection with manager on address / successfully established.
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [CertificateUpdateServiceImpl] {SPOP:16} Starting certificates update check with 1440m interval
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [CertificateUpdateServiceImpl$CertificateUpdateTask] {CertificateUpdater-1:53} Certificate update check starts
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [CertificateUpdateServiceImpl$CertificateUpdateTask] {CertificateUpdater-1:53} Certificate not updated or no update needed yet
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ToolManagerImpl] {ComModuleSpop:25} Starting connector Windows Active Response
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [WindowsCommandsSession] {ComModuleSpop:25} Windows Actions Loaded
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ToolManagerImpl] {ComModuleSpop:25} Connector Windows Active Response started: true
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Destroying reader Windows Application
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Stopped reader Windows Application for connector ID NT Application
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Reader NT Application started, alias: Windows Application
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Destroying reader Windows Security
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [CheckDirsWithPublicKey] {Encryptfs Directory Check:46} Encrypted dir configurations\fim does not exists, creating one
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Stopped reader Windows Security for connector ID VistaSecurity
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Reader VistaSecurity started, alias: Windows Security
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [EncryptedFSImpl] {Encryptfs Directory Check:46} Empty directory created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ContegoSPOP\configurations\fim
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Destroying reader Windows System
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Stopped reader Windows System for connector ID NtSystem
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [FastCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Reader NtSystem started, alias: Windows System
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [EncryptedFSImpl] {Encryptfs Directory Check:46} Directory C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ContegoSPOP\configurations\fim should be encrypted with AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding algorithm and key of size 256.
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [EncryptedFSImpl] {Encryptfs Directory Check:46} Encrypted directory C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ContegoSPOP\configurations\fim created successfully, settings file written.
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [CheckDirsWithPublicKey] {Encryptfs Directory Check:46} Encrypted dir configurations\connectors does not exists, creating one
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [EncryptedFSImpl] {Encryptfs Directory Check:46} Empty directory created: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ContegoSPOP\configurations\connectors
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [EncryptedFSImpl] {Encryptfs Directory Check:46} Directory C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ContegoSPOP\configurations\connectors should be encrypted with AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding algorithm and key of size 256.
    (Mon May 20 15:59:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [EncryptedFSImpl] {Encryptfs Directory Check:46} Encrypted directory C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ContegoSPOP\configurations\connectors created successfully, settings file written.
    (Mon May 20 16:00:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [RecoveryServiceImpl] {ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1:61} Stored token

  • These are the logs after the VPN is disconnected.

    (Mon May 20 16:01:00 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [NioComNetworkParent] {NioReads-1:33} Parent disconnected, reason: IOException while reading from key: ConnectionsKey:1 Connection reset
    (Mon May 20 16:01:00 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {NioReads-1:33} Closing Nio Center: IOException while reading from key: ConnectionsKey:1 Connection reset
    (Mon May 20 16:01:00 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopComm] {NioReads-1:33} NioMaintenance stopped
    (Mon May 20 16:01:00 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [NioComNetworkParent] {NioReads-1:33} NIO connection is closed
    (Mon May 20 16:01:00 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Worker - 1:52} Caught exception for channel [id: 0x11f2625f, L:/ - R:/]. Closing. Connection reset
    at java.base/
    at java.base/
    at io.netty.buffer.PooledByteBuf.setBytes(
    at io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.writeBytes(
    at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$
    at io.netty.util.internal.ThreadExecutorMap$
    at java.base/
    (Mon May 20 16:01:00 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Worker - 1:52} Connection with manager closed.
    (Mon May 20 16:01:00 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Worker - 1:52} Initiating reconnect with the manager
    (Mon May 20 16:01:00 EDT 2024) II:INFO [DecryptRouter] {NioDecryptRouter:30} DecryptRouter exiting
    (Mon May 20 16:01:00 EDT 2024) II:INFO [EncryptRouter] {NioEncryptRouter:31} EncryptRouter exiting
    (Mon May 20 16:01:00 EDT 2024) II:INFO [CommInfoAgent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Dispatching parent disconnect signal
    (Mon May 20 16:01:00 EDT 2024) II:INFO [LogManagementRegistryClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} parentDisconnected
    (Mon May 20 16:01:00 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComModuleSpop] {ComModuleSpop:25} Start timer for reconnect to manager attempt
    (Mon May 20 16:01:10 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Reconnector - 1:62} Trying to establishing connection from the Agent to the Manager on /
    (Mon May 20 16:01:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComModuleSpop] {ComModuleSpop:25} Reconnect to manager attempt
    (Mon May 20 16:01:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} openParentConnection:
    (Mon May 20 16:01:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Creating Nio Center for Client
    (Mon May 20 16:01:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Force flush after every nio write: false
    (Mon May 20 16:01:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Send socket buffer size: 65536
    (Mon May 20 16:01:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Receive socket buffer size: 65536
    (Mon May 20 16:01:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Initializing Nio Center.
    (Mon May 20 16:01:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopComm] {ComModuleSpop:25} NioMaintenance started
    (Mon May 20 16:01:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Starting Nio Center for Client thread
    (Mon May 20 16:01:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Create timer 'initializeNIOClient'
    (Mon May 20 16:01:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {NioComNetworkParent:66} Nio Center successfully initialized.
    (Mon May 20 16:01:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {NioComNetworkParent:66} Nio Center Connecting.
    (Mon May 20 16:01:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {NioComNetworkParent:66} Successful binding to host:, on port: 50845
    (Mon May 20 16:01:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {BBS:DequeueToComm-1:37} Waiting for auth complete for send
    (Mon May 20 16:01:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {Timer-1:26} Waiting for auth complete for send
    (Mon May 20 16:01:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {AgentStateSender-1:40} Create timer 'getConnectionState'
    (Mon May 20 16:01:31 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Reconnector - 1:62} Unable to establishConnection with the Manager. Reason$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information: /
    (Mon May 20 16:01:51 EDT 2024) EE:ERR [NioSelectorOnClient] {NioComNetworkParent:66} Connection status: Unable to complete nio connection to address (Reason: Connection timed out: connect)
    (Mon May 20 16:01:54 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [NioSelectorOnClient] {NioComNetworkParent:66} Unabled to connect to manager: closed channel.
    (Mon May 20 16:01:54 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {NioComNetworkParent:66} Closing Nio Center: Nio Thread has stopped
    (Mon May 20 16:01:54 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopComm] {NioComNetworkParent:66} NioMaintenance stopped
    (Mon May 20 16:01:54 EDT 2024) II:INFO [DecryptRouter] {NioDecryptRouter:68} DecryptRouter exiting
    (Mon May 20 16:01:54 EDT 2024) II:INFO [EncryptRouter] {NioEncryptRouter:69} EncryptRouter exiting
    (Mon May 20 16:01:54 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Cancel timer 'initializeNIOClient'
    (Mon May 20 16:01:54 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Parent disconnected, reason: Unable to initialize
    (Mon May 20 16:01:54 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Cancel timer 'getConnectionState'
    (Mon May 20 16:01:54 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} NIO connection is closed
    (Mon May 20 16:01:54 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [ComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Failed to open nio connection to manager ''
    (Mon May 20 16:01:54 EDT 2024) II:INFO [CommInfoAgent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Dispatching parent disconnect signal
    (Mon May 20 16:01:54 EDT 2024) II:INFO [LogManagementRegistryClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} parentDisconnected
    (Mon May 20 16:02:31 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Reconnector - 1:62} Trying to establishing connection from the Agent to the Manager on /
    (Mon May 20 16:02:52 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComModuleSpop] {ComModuleSpop:25} Reconnect to manager attempt
    (Mon May 20 16:02:52 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} openParentConnection:
    (Mon May 20 16:02:52 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Creating Nio Center for Client
    (Mon May 20 16:02:52 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Force flush after every nio write: false
    (Mon May 20 16:02:52 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Send socket buffer size: 65536
    (Mon May 20 16:02:52 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Receive socket buffer size: 65536
    (Mon May 20 16:02:52 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Initializing Nio Center.
    (Mon May 20 16:02:52 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopComm] {ComModuleSpop:25} NioMaintenance started
    (Mon May 20 16:02:52 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Starting Nio Center for Client thread
    (Mon May 20 16:02:52 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Create timer 'initializeNIOClient'
    (Mon May 20 16:02:52 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {NioComNetworkParent:71} Nio Center successfully initialized.
    (Mon May 20 16:02:52 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {NioComNetworkParent:71} Nio Center Connecting.
    (Mon May 20 16:02:52 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {NioComNetworkParent:71} Successful binding to host:, on port: 50892
    (Mon May 20 16:02:52 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Reconnector - 1:62} Unable to establishConnection with the Manager. Reason$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information: /
    (Mon May 20 16:02:52 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {BBS:DequeueToComm-1:37} Waiting for auth complete for send
    (Mon May 20 16:02:54 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {AgentStateSender-1:40} Waiting for auth complete for send
    (Mon May 20 16:03:13 EDT 2024) EE:ERR [NioSelectorOnClient] {NioComNetworkParent:71} Connection status: Unable to complete nio connection to address (Reason: Connection timed out: connect)
    (Mon May 20 16:03:16 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [NioSelectorOnClient] {NioComNetworkParent:71} Unabled to connect to manager: closed channel.
    (Mon May 20 16:03:16 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {NioComNetworkParent:71} Closing Nio Center: Nio Thread has stopped
    (Mon May 20 16:03:16 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopComm] {NioComNetworkParent:71} NioMaintenance stopped
    (Mon May 20 16:03:16 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Cancel timer 'initializeNIOClient'
    (Mon May 20 16:03:16 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Parent disconnected, reason: Unable to initialize
    (Mon May 20 16:03:16 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} NIO connection is closed
    (Mon May 20 16:03:16 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [ComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Failed to open nio connection to manager ''
    (Mon May 20 16:03:16 EDT 2024) II:INFO [DecryptRouter] {NioDecryptRouter:73} DecryptRouter exiting
    (Mon May 20 16:03:16 EDT 2024) II:INFO [EncryptRouter] {NioEncryptRouter:74} EncryptRouter exiting
    (Mon May 20 16:03:16 EDT 2024) II:INFO [CommInfoAgent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Dispatching parent disconnect signal
    (Mon May 20 16:03:16 EDT 2024) II:INFO [LogManagementRegistryClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} parentDisconnected
    (Mon May 20 16:03:52 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Reconnector - 1:62} Trying to establishing connection from the Agent to the Manager on /
    (Mon May 20 16:04:13 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Reconnector - 1:62} Unable to establishConnection with the Manager. Reason$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information: /
    (Mon May 20 16:05:13 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Reconnector - 1:62} Trying to establishing connection from the Agent to the Manager on /
    (Mon May 20 16:05:17 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComModuleSpop] {ComModuleSpop:25} Reconnect to manager attempt
    (Mon May 20 16:05:17 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} openParentConnection:
    (Mon May 20 16:05:17 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Creating Nio Center for Client
    (Mon May 20 16:05:17 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Force flush after every nio write: false
    (Mon May 20 16:05:17 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Send socket buffer size: 65536
    (Mon May 20 16:05:17 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Receive socket buffer size: 65536
    (Mon May 20 16:05:17 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Initializing Nio Center.
    (Mon May 20 16:05:17 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopComm] {ComModuleSpop:25} NioMaintenance started
    (Mon May 20 16:05:17 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Starting Nio Center for Client thread
    (Mon May 20 16:05:17 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Create timer 'initializeNIOClient'
    (Mon May 20 16:05:17 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {NioComNetworkParent:76} Nio Center successfully initialized.
    (Mon May 20 16:05:17 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {NioComNetworkParent:76} Nio Center Connecting.
    (Mon May 20 16:05:17 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {NioComNetworkParent:76} Successful binding to host:, on port: 50954
    (Mon May 20 16:05:17 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {BBS:DequeueToComm-1:37} Waiting for auth complete for send
    (Mon May 20 16:05:30 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {Timer-1:26} Waiting for auth complete for send
    (Mon May 20 16:05:34 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Reconnector - 1:62} Unable to establishConnection with the Manager. Reason$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information: /
    (Mon May 20 16:05:38 EDT 2024) EE:ERR [NioSelectorOnClient] {NioComNetworkParent:76} Connection status: Unable to complete nio connection to address (Reason: Connection timed out: connect)
    (Mon May 20 16:05:41 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [NioSelectorOnClient] {NioComNetworkParent:76} Unabled to connect to manager: closed channel.
    (Mon May 20 16:05:41 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {NioComNetworkParent:76} Closing Nio Center: Nio Thread has stopped
    (Mon May 20 16:05:41 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopComm] {NioComNetworkParent:76} NioMaintenance stopped
    (Mon May 20 16:05:41 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Cancel timer 'initializeNIOClient'
    (Mon May 20 16:05:41 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Parent disconnected, reason: Unable to initialize
    (Mon May 20 16:05:41 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} NIO connection is closed
    (Mon May 20 16:05:41 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [ComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Failed to open nio connection to manager ''
    (Mon May 20 16:05:41 EDT 2024) II:INFO [DecryptRouter] {NioDecryptRouter:78} DecryptRouter exiting
    (Mon May 20 16:05:41 EDT 2024) II:INFO [EncryptRouter] {NioEncryptRouter:79} EncryptRouter exiting
    (Mon May 20 16:05:41 EDT 2024) II:INFO [CommInfoAgent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Dispatching parent disconnect signal
    (Mon May 20 16:05:41 EDT 2024) II:INFO [LogManagementRegistryClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} parentDisconnected
    (Mon May 20 16:06:34 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Reconnector - 1:62} Trying to establishing connection from the Agent to the Manager on /
    (Mon May 20 16:06:55 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Reconnector - 1:62} Unable to establishConnection with the Manager. Reason$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information: /
    (Mon May 20 16:07:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Reconnector - 1:62} Trying to establishing connection from the Agent to the Manager on /
    (Mon May 20 16:08:16 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Reconnector - 1:62} Unable to establishConnection with the Manager. Reason$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information: /
    (Mon May 20 16:09:16 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Reconnector - 1:62} Trying to establishing connection from the Agent to the Manager on /
    (Mon May 20 16:09:37 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Reconnector - 1:62} Unable to establishConnection with the Manager. Reason$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information: /
    (Mon May 20 16:10:04 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComModuleSpop] {ComModuleSpop:25} Reconnect to manager attempt
    (Mon May 20 16:10:04 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} openParentConnection:
    (Mon May 20 16:10:04 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Creating Nio Center for Client
    (Mon May 20 16:10:04 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Force flush after every nio write: false
    (Mon May 20 16:10:04 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Send socket buffer size: 65536
    (Mon May 20 16:10:04 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Receive socket buffer size: 65536
    (Mon May 20 16:10:04 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Initializing Nio Center.
    (Mon May 20 16:10:04 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopComm] {ComModuleSpop:25} NioMaintenance started
    (Mon May 20 16:10:04 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Starting Nio Center for Client thread
    (Mon May 20 16:10:04 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Create timer 'initializeNIOClient'
    (Mon May 20 16:10:04 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {NioComNetworkParent:80} Nio Center successfully initialized.
    (Mon May 20 16:10:04 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {NioComNetworkParent:80} Nio Center Connecting.
    (Mon May 20 16:10:04 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {NioComNetworkParent:80} Successful binding to host:, on port: 51120
    (Mon May 20 16:10:05 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {BBS:DequeueToComm-1:37} Waiting for auth complete for send
    (Mon May 20 16:10:16 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {AgentStateSender-1:40} Waiting for auth complete for send
    (Mon May 20 16:10:25 EDT 2024) EE:ERR [NioSelectorOnClient] {NioComNetworkParent:80} Connection status: Unable to complete nio connection to address (Reason: Connection timed out: connect)
    (Mon May 20 16:10:28 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [NioSelectorOnClient] {NioComNetworkParent:80} Unabled to connect to manager: closed channel.
    (Mon May 20 16:10:28 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {NioComNetworkParent:80} Closing Nio Center: Nio Thread has stopped
    (Mon May 20 16:10:28 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopComm] {NioComNetworkParent:80} NioMaintenance stopped
    (Mon May 20 16:10:28 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Cancel timer 'initializeNIOClient'
    (Mon May 20 16:10:28 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Parent disconnected, reason: Unable to initialize
    (Mon May 20 16:10:28 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} NIO connection is closed
    (Mon May 20 16:10:28 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [ComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Failed to open nio connection to manager ''
    (Mon May 20 16:10:28 EDT 2024) II:INFO [EncryptRouter] {NioEncryptRouter:83} EncryptRouter exiting
    (Mon May 20 16:10:28 EDT 2024) II:INFO [DecryptRouter] {NioDecryptRouter:82} DecryptRouter exiting
    (Mon May 20 16:10:28 EDT 2024) II:INFO [CommInfoAgent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Dispatching parent disconnect signal
    (Mon May 20 16:10:28 EDT 2024) II:INFO [LogManagementRegistryClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} parentDisconnected
    (Mon May 20 16:10:31 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [WindowsUserInfoProvider] {NtSystem-Windows System:58} Unable to get Account for SID 'S-1-15-2-155514346-2573954481-755741238-1654018636-1233331829-3075935687-2861478708': The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed.
    (Mon May 20 16:10:37 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Reconnector - 1:62} Trying to establishing connection from the Agent to the Manager on /
    (Mon May 20 16:10:58 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Reconnector - 1:62} Unable to establishConnection with the Manager. Reason$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information: /
    (Mon May 20 16:11:58 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Reconnector - 1:62} Trying to establishing connection from the Agent to the Manager on /
    (Mon May 20 16:11:59 EDT 2024) II:INFO [AgentMessageCentralImpl] {XML Communication Reconnector - 1:62} Connection with manager on address / successfully established.

  • Here are the logs after I reconnect again and I can access the SEM server.

    (Mon May 20 16:43:18 EDT 2024) II:INFO [LogManagementRegistryClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} parentConnected
    (Mon May 20 16:57:25 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [NioComNetworkParent] {NioReads-1:124} Parent disconnected, reason: IOException while reading from key: ConnectionsKey:6 Connection reset
    (Mon May 20 16:57:25 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {NioReads-1:124} Closing Nio Center: IOException while reading from key: ConnectionsKey:6 Connection reset
    (Mon May 20 16:57:25 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopComm] {NioReads-1:124} NioMaintenance stopped
    (Mon May 20 16:57:25 EDT 2024) WW:WARNING [NioComNetworkParent] {NioReads-1:124} NIO connection is closed
    (Mon May 20 16:57:25 EDT 2024) II:INFO [EncryptRouter] {NioEncryptRouter:122} EncryptRouter exiting
    (Mon May 20 16:57:25 EDT 2024) II:INFO [CommInfoAgent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Dispatching parent disconnect signal
    (Mon May 20 16:57:25 EDT 2024) II:INFO [DecryptRouter] {NioDecryptRouter:121} DecryptRouter exiting
    (Mon May 20 16:57:25 EDT 2024) II:INFO [LogManagementRegistryClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} parentDisconnected
    (Mon May 20 16:57:25 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComModuleSpop] {ComModuleSpop:25} Start timer for reconnect to manager attempt
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComModuleSpop] {ComModuleSpop:25} Reconnect to manager attempt
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} openParentConnection:
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Creating Nio Center for Client
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Force flush after every nio write: false
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Send socket buffer size: 65536
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Receive socket buffer size: 65536
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {ComModuleSpop:25} Initializing Nio Center.
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [SpopComm] {ComModuleSpop:25} NioMaintenance started
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Starting Nio Center for Client thread
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Create timer 'initializeNIOClient'
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {NioComNetworkParent:126} Nio Center successfully initialized.
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioCenter] {NioComNetworkParent:126} Nio Center Connecting.
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {BBS:DequeueToComm-1:37} Waiting for auth complete for send
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {NioComNetworkParent:126} Successful binding to host:, on port: 52256
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {NioComNetworkParent:126} Beginning SSLHandshake.
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Cancel timer 'initializeNIOClient'
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Nio initialization successful
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Retrieved hostname <computer_name>.<domain_name> from the network socket on agent node local host
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Retrieved IP address from the network socket on agent node local host
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Waiting for auth complete for
    (Mon May 20 16:57:55 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Create timer 'connectionVerified'
    (Mon May 20 16:57:56 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {NioExitQueueHandler:132} Auth message received
    (Mon May 20 16:57:56 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {BBS:DequeueToComm-1:37} Auth complete for send
    (Mon May 20 16:57:56 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Cancel timer 'connectionVerified'
    (Mon May 20 16:57:56 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Auth complete for
    (Mon May 20 16:57:56 EDT 2024) II:INFO [ComNetworkParent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Opened connection to manager at
    (Mon May 20 16:57:56 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Retrieved hostname <computer_name>.<domain_name> from the network socket on agent node local host
    (Mon May 20 16:57:56 EDT 2024) II:INFO [NioSelectorOnClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} Retrieved IP address from the network socket on agent node local host
    (Mon May 20 16:57:56 EDT 2024) II:INFO [CommInfoAgent] {ComModuleSpop:25} Dispatching parent connect signal
    (Mon May 20 16:57:56 EDT 2024) II:INFO [LogManagementRegistryClient] {ComModuleSpop:25} parentConnected

  • I currently have the SEM port running through a reverse Proxy so no VPN required.  The issues might be that IP address from VPN does not match the profile on in SEM.  If it connect via DNS name the name resolution is not matching.  Try seeing the config it by IP address or DNS name.   This could be causing the issue as the local DNS build the arp table for computer when it disconnect the arp table still keeps the mapping.