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Sudden increase in Memory Consumption by Polling Engines

We upgraded from 2022.2.6 to 2023.1 around February 15th last month. I've noticed since about 20 days after that all of my APEs are consuming 98% memory and I am having rolling blackouts for 10-20 minutes per poller. No other change to the systems has occurred and it only seems to be the SW Pollers having his issue. I'm worried that the upgrade introduced some code that has memory leaking. Is anyone else having this issue? Case # - 01305923 Polling engines suffering from rolling blackouts. If I'm lucky I can remote to the Poller and it will respond. Pollers are 14CPU with 24gig memory Windows 2016

ALERT: Orion Polling Engine POLL15PRD at has not updated in 3/20/2023 5:40:05 AM minutes.
RESET: Orion Polling Engine POLL15PRD at was last updated 3/20/2023 6:36:56 AM minutes ago.

 Poller: POLL15PRD

Engine ID: 16

Last KeppAlive: 3/20/2023 5:40:05 AM

Version:  SolarWinds Platform 2023.1.0.196

Type: AdditionalPoller

  • I basically put the APEs on a 24-hour reboot schedule for about a month. At some point I went to 2023.3. turned off the reboots and I have not seen an issue. I have 22 APEs and they all get rebooted as part of Windows monthly patching. I do notice crisper alert detection/reset pretty much any time I end up restarting services on some random poller for whatever reason. I've also seen some scheduled network discovery problems that seem to correct after service restarts. I am doing all the stuff to ensure DCOM issues are not causing port saturation. I may go back to the 24-hour rolling reboots just for good measure if support and I don't get things ironed out soon and I'm always eager to read release notes when updates are available.

  • Thank you for the quick answer, cheers!

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