HA - both nodes are listed has mainpoller in the HA.PoolMember table

I had an issue yesterday morning that the orion module engine service on the primary MPE wouldn't start and stay running.  With the help of SolarWinds support we were able to manually setup the standby MPE to run as a standalone.  In doing so we removed the HA pool from the database and did a couple other updates in the Engines table and in the HA.PoolMember table.  We fixed the issue by restore a backup to previous night before all of the issues.  I followed instructions to rebuilt HA, by Truncating all of the HA tables, stopping services, stopping HA Service, etc.  When i got to the point to setup the HA Pool, When i look at the page for setting up the HA pool.  the servers show and active and standby.  If i attempt to create HA pool I get "Cannot create teh HA Pool. A pool must have both active and standby member". Any help on this?

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