Right now I can see that the full_url for a check is only shown in the webhook, more info here https://www.pingdom.com/resources/webhooks/#HTTP-check--POST-
There is no such data in the API, furthermore we can find the hostname in the /api/3.1/checks only and the url only in /api/3.1/checks/{checkid}
Moreover your API documentation shows misleading information, you display a domain(hostname) in the url field example, this is not possible, the url will only show the path after the main domain.
this API checks/{checkid} should actually look like this:
"url": "/some/path",
"hostname": "mydomain.com",
- "port": 443,
and if possible add the same information in the api/3.1/checks
"resolution": 0,
"hostname": "example.com",
"url": "/some/path",
- "created": 0,
and the doc for API is also a bit confusing, OK, I understand the hostname is a string, but why you did not put a nice example (let's say example.com) like you did for the other fields?
Right now I need to make many more additional API calls in order to obtain the data I need so I can combine the /check with /checks/{checkid} and then store it to my system.
Please find a solution so we can have the full_url in checks/{checkid} or/and in /check API
Thank you,