Report on Patch Manager schedules

I would like to automate QA on some external tasks related to our patching. PM is our source of truth for the server patch schedules. I cannot find any tables in the DB that might relate to these scheduled job configs. No API. How can this be? The config data must be stored somewhere! Can I access it outside the GUI? Is there a report I can make to give me configs? I only see results and inventory reports. Am I really supposed to just eyeball everything like a plebeian? 

  • Are you just wanting to know information on the schedules that are already defined?  If so, there are some fields you can use to build a report in the Task History datasource.  In this screenshot, I've gone to Reporting --> Task History Reports --> Task History, then I clicked "New Report" and removed most of the default fields. I then added in the ones related to Schedules:

    And this is the result from that query:

    While you are correct there is no API, if I take the time to build a report like the one above, I can then double-click that report to get the SQL it is using to query the data.  From there you may be able to script som'n to pull the data you want using that as a starting point.