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If I have 3 separate networks, can I use 1 NTM license?

Thank you.

  • I dont understand the query completely, say suppose you have Network A, Network B and Network C and you have placed NTM on Network B IP Address. If NTM that is installed on Network B can talk to Network A and Network C then 1 license is sufficient.

    But if you are planning to install NTM in all 3 Networks (which is NTM in Network A, NTM in Network B and NTM in Network C) then you will need to purchase 3 separate licenses to the best of my knowledge.

  • I dont understand the query completely, say suppose you have Network A, Network B and Network C and you have placed NTM on Network B IP Address. If NTM that is installed on Network B can talk to Network A and Network C then 1 license is sufficient.

    But if you are planning to install NTM in all 3 Networks (which is NTM in Network A, NTM in Network B and NTM in Network C) then you will need to purchase 3 separate licenses to the best of my knowledge.

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