Our company is interested in purchasing SolarWinds.NTM.Client to realize the direct MAP scan and easy and immediate understand of Ground Trueth.
Before purchasing, I would like to confirm the SolarWinds.NTM.Client product feature that we can do by CLI(Command line Interface).
We would like to perform
(1) Periodical Map Scan and
(2) File Export (NTM Map file to PDF) and saving it to a specific folder (E:\NetMaps) by a completely unattended process. (by CLI not GUI)
I know that we can open a file that has already been MAP scanned using the CLI from the Windows Command prompt.
SolarWinds.NTM.Client.exe [file path]
Is it possible to perform steps (1) and (2) using the CLI from the command prompt as well?
i.e. SolarWinds.NTM.Client -remap parameter1 parameter2.
SolarWinds.NTM.Client -export <source> <destination>
If the "Map Scan" and "File export" operation by CLI is possible, we can create a script and fully automate it.
I would appreciate it if you could answer your reply.
Best regards,