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NPM/NTA trial install fails

NPM / NTA trial install fails at 85% with the following message:

"Failed: Source file not found: c:\programdata\solarwinds\installers\ Verify that the file exists and that you can access it."

The file does not exist.

Both trial downloads fail at the same stage - Bundle-856-NPM-NTA-Eval and Solarwinds-NPM-Installer.Eval.

The server is Windows 2019.

Have attempted installs both as local admin and domain admin, same error.

  • I have spoken to Solarwinds, seems there is a bug which causes the files to be downloaded with the wrong names. 

    When the install fails, open the c:\programdata\solarwinds\installers\ folder (it is hidden) 

    1. Identify the Observability-2023.1.0.129-Observability-2023.1.0.129-OrionInstaller[1-21].cab files.
    2. Manually rename the files to Observability-2023.1.0.129-OrionInstaller[1-21].cab.
    3. Re-run the installer.
  • It's been over 2 months now and it still hasn't been fixed. Thank you for your contribution Lulululu

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