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Website doesn't comes up after applying orion 2020.2.6 HF5


I have a serious issue . After applying hotfix 5 on my servers everything is seems to be ok but one thing.

My main server website has an issue and doesn't comes up.

And config wizard ends with failed error on website.

When I browse website it shows this error  "Server Error in '/ Application "

I should mention this all services are up 

I tried many way to solve like this:

-Repair swis service 

-Repair job engine service 

-try to run config wizard many times

-try to rebuild website 3 time

-try to check dns resolution between solarwinds servers 

I have 6 additional pollers and 1 additional website  and funny thing is that website on additional website is ok and upgraded to last hotfix.

I don't know what to do more. 

I try to read config wizard's log and it is wired that i find a line in that log that say swis service url doesn't respond 

I have no clue what should I do now swis service is up and run on that server for sure

Parents Reply
  • That's all I got.  Good job in finding that article,  If I was on your position, I would document everything and submit this to support.  It's most likely an issue within the environment as it is only happening to one server.  As Bshopp suggest, creating a ticket would be the best route as of this time.
