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Node Reboot + Availability Report


iam trying to make report which shows Nodes Today's Reboot + Availability but SQL Query is not showing any result.

,COUNT(Nodes.LastBoot) AS [total boot count]
FROM dbo.ResponseTime
INNER JOIN dbo.Nodes
ON ResponseTime.NodeID = Nodes.NodeID
WHERE Nodes.ATM_Branches = ' atm branches'
GROUP BY Nodes.Caption

SQL Query Empty Output:

  • What ultimately would you like this report to look like? 

    If this were me, I'd be looking for a report like this:

    Caption Day Availability (%) Reboots Detected
    EAST-2821-WAN 2021-12-31 99.4421 1
    MTWACDC01v 2021-12-31 100 0
    MTWA-7371-WAAS 2022-01-01 75.3344 3

    Is this something like the data you are looking for?

    This also brings up an interesting point: What does a "reboot" mean for you?  It could mean many things (Availability goes to 0 or percent loss goes to 100 or a cold boot was detected or a reboot event was logged in the Event table).

    It would also be helpful to understand what timeframe you are looking at because right now the above query (which has some syntax and logic issues) would pull all the data in the database).

  • reboot = router get down and up in Power 

    when get down in power means its uptime get effected.

    time = always today date start from 12 AM and end at what time we execute query.

    yes need same output as yours above chart.

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