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Custom Poller for Barracuda Spam Firewall 600

I am trying to create a custom Poller to detect to amount of Emails that are in the Inbound and Outbound Queues of a Barracuda Spam Firewall Model 600. Went I try to create one using the OID of for the inbound and for the outbound both are giving a status of 13. Does anyone know how to get the number of messages that are in the Queue instead of the status. Thanks for any assistance

  • kkennah,

    What you are describing is the net-SNMP extend functionality.  Since you're getting responses from the UCD-SNMP-MIB::extResult.1 ( OID, that tells me the Barracuda isn't running the latest version of net-SNMP as the exec & sh commands have been depreciated and replaced using the extend command in the snmpd.conf file.

    If you have shell access to the Barracuda, less the snmpd.conf file and look at the exec commands in the file.  You should see something similar to this:


    Here is a good link that explains how to use the SNMP Extensions.

    If you do have shell access, you might try running the command:  mailq

    I know this works for postfix and sendmail daemons and will show you the current outbound mail queue.  The command qshape will show any messages waiting for delivery and how long they've been waiting.

    Hope this helps.

  • kkennah,

    What you are describing is the net-SNMP extend functionality.  Since you're getting responses from the UCD-SNMP-MIB::extResult.1 ( OID, that tells me the Barracuda isn't running the latest version of net-SNMP as the exec & sh commands have been depreciated and replaced using the extend command in the snmpd.conf file.

    If you have shell access to the Barracuda, less the snmpd.conf file and look at the exec commands in the file.  You should see something similar to this:


    Here is a good link that explains how to use the SNMP Extensions.

    If you do have shell access, you might try running the command:  mailq

    I know this works for postfix and sendmail daemons and will show you the current outbound mail queue.  The command qshape will show any messages waiting for delivery and how long they've been waiting.

    Hope this helps.

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