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Grafana: NPM datasource

Has anyone looked into integrating solarwinds as a datasource with grafana?

In our company we have a lot of different monitoring systems and data sources that can be merged together and correlated together with Grafana (i.e. Elasticsearch, zabbix, etc). We would really like to access the NPM stats via the API but there doesn't appear to be any Grafana datasources built for solarwinds yet. The Grafana dashboard is similar to the new Perfstack but allows for correlation with additional data which can be useful in troubleshooting certain problems. For example, our NPM instance has all of the network routers/switches monitored but in elastic search we have AAA records and in zabbix some radio network nodes and servers which can all be displayed together through a Grafana dashboard.

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi,

    When you sum 2 interfaces the graph does not show accurate data. or maybe im doing something wrong. can you advise on how do you SUM 2 interfaces to make gauge view, thanks

  • I tried to install the plugin but for some reason grafana does not see it as a datasource (download zip, extract in data/plugins and restarted Grafana). What am I missing?

    I am using Grafana 6.2.5

  • Hi, unfortunately recently I made a bug in configuration file emoticons_sad.png  Please try to download it now, it should work.

  • Hi,

    not sure what are you exactly trying to achieve. But grafana always need 3 columns metric name, value and time column. So in case you group more records into 2, there needs to be still 3 columns


        GETDATE() as time,                                  -- fake time

        'My 2 Interfaces' as metricName,                -- metric name

        SUM(TotalBytes) as Value                         -- value for gauge

    FROM Orion.NPM.InterfaceTraffic

    WHERE InterfaceID IN (1,2) and DateTime BETWEEN $from AND $to


    Regarding interface utilization. You can either work with current value PercentUtil in entity Orion.NPM.Interfaces (Last poller value), or with historical from Orion.NPM.InterfaceTraffic and play with it more.


  • Could you share your Graph Query?