Is there a script (SWQL) that can generate the WAP devices serial and model number?
Is there a script (SWQL) that can generate the WAP devices serial and model number?
So, you can do this but it is a two step process.
You need to create a UnDP (and assign it) to extract the serial numbers from the WLC. The second step is you need to then create a custom SWQL report to list the details out.
For Cisco WLC's the OID we've been using is: - so go and create your UnDP ( and these are the options we've used:
Then you need to create your repot.
The code we used is:
/* Query to get AP Information from the Controllers through the use of UnDPs, because APs are not nodes in Solarwinds but an extra to the Controllers */ SELECT DISTINCT (n.caption) AS 'Controller' ,t1.STATUS AS 'AP Name' ,t2.STATUS AS 'Serial number' ,t3.STATUS AS 'Model number' ,t4.STATUS AS 'Software' ,t5.STATUS AS 'IP Address' ,npm.Client FROM CustomPollerStatus AS cps JOIN CustomPollerASsignment AS cpa ON cps.CustomPollerASsignmentID = cpa.CustomPollerASsignmentID JOIN Nodes AS n ON n.NodeID = cpa.NodeID JOIN NodesCustomProperties AS npm ON npm.NodeID = n.NodeID JOIN ( SELECT cps.STATUS ,cps.CustomPollerASsignmentID ,cps.RowID FROM CustomPollerStatus AS cps JOIN CustomPollerASsignment AS cpa ON cps.CustomPollerASsignmentID = cpa.CustomPollerASsignmentID JOIN Nodes AS n ON n.NodeID = cpa.NodeID WHERE cpa.ASsignmentName LIKE 'bsnAPName%' ) AS t1 ON cps.RowID = t1.RowID JOIN ( SELECT cps.STATUS ,cps.CustomPollerASsignmentID ,cps.RowID FROM CustomPollerStatus AS cps JOIN CustomPollerASsignment AS cpa ON cps.CustomPollerASsignmentID = cpa.CustomPollerASsignmentID JOIN Nodes AS n ON n.NodeID = cpa.NodeID WHERE cpa.ASsignmentName LIKE 'bsnAPSerialNumber%' ) AS t2 ON cps.RowID = t2.RowID JOIN ( SELECT cps.STATUS ,cps.CustomPollerASsignmentID ,cps.RowID FROM CustomPollerStatus AS cps JOIN CustomPollerASsignment AS cpa ON cps.CustomPollerASsignmentID = cpa.CustomPollerASsignmentID JOIN Nodes AS n ON n.NodeID = cpa.NodeID WHERE cpa.ASsignmentName LIKE 'bsnAPModel%' ) AS t3 ON cps.RowID = t3.RowID JOIN ( SELECT cps.STATUS ,cps.CustomPollerASsignmentID ,cps.RowID FROM CustomPollerStatus AS cps JOIN CustomPollerASsignment AS cpa ON cps.CustomPollerASsignmentID = cpa.CustomPollerASsignmentID JOIN Nodes AS n ON n.NodeID = cpa.NodeID WHERE cpa.ASsignmentName LIKE 'bsnAPSoftwareVersion%' ) AS t4 ON cps.RowID = t4.RowID JOIN ( SELECT cps.STATUS ,cps.CustomPollerASsignmentID ,cps.RowID FROM CustomPollerStatus AS cps JOIN CustomPollerASsignment AS cpa ON cps.CustomPollerASsignmentID = cpa.CustomPollerASsignmentID JOIN Nodes AS n ON n.NodeID = cpa.NodeID WHERE cpa.ASsignmentName LIKE 'bsnApIpAddress%' ) AS t5 ON cps.RowID = t5.RowID ORDER BY 'AP Name' ASC
You may need to edit the report code as we used several UnDP names to get a little more info returned. If you change your UnDP names from the default, then you will need to edit them in the above code.
We named ours:
bsnApIpAddress - OID:
bsnAPModel - OID:
bsnAPName - OID:
bsnAPSerialNumber - OID:
bsnAPSoftwareVersion - OID:
Hi Stuartd,
Good day to you!
I have one question our leadership wants to include the WAP Status and able to setup the MIB on the UDP using bsnAPOperationStatus' => '' and added to the report. Is there way to show the Status definition such as associated instead of number only? Thank you
bsnAPOperationStatus Definition
'1' => 'associated'
'2' => 'disassociating'
'3' => 'downloading'
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