Solarwinds alert on volume


I would like to alert on volume space, and in the message mention the volume letter (Windows) or mount path (Linux), So I use variables in the "alert action" message box.
When I use the "caption" variable (for volume) I get a good result for Linux machines, but for Windows machines I get the "c:\" drive together with some non relevant text, for example "c:\ label 1234324" (or something like that).

Now, instead the "Caption" variable I can use the "Device ID" variable which work find for Windows (fetch exactly c:\), but for Linux it fetch the physical drive, and not the mount point (I need the mount point)

So what is the best why to bring the exact "c:" for windows and /var (for example) for Linux?


  • You could try something like the below query. If it detects a Windows node, it will use the DeviceID otherwise it will use the normal caption. I added an additional check because it looks like the DeviceID is only collected on Windows with WMI/Agent - an SNMP node doesn't have the DeviceID. But you can tweak the query from here.

    ${N=SWQL;M=SELECT CASE WHEN v.Node.Vendor = 'Windows' AND DeviceID <> '' THEN DeviceID ELSE Caption END AS [VolumeLabel] FROM Orion.Volumes v WHERE VolumeID = ${N=SwisEntity;M=VolumeID} }

  • You could try something like the below query. If it detects a Windows node, it will use the DeviceID otherwise it will use the normal caption. I added an additional check because it looks like the DeviceID is only collected on Windows with WMI/Agent - an SNMP node doesn't have the DeviceID. But you can tweak the query from here.

    ${N=SWQL;M=SELECT CASE WHEN v.Node.Vendor = 'Windows' AND DeviceID <> '' THEN DeviceID ELSE Caption END AS [VolumeLabel] FROM Orion.Volumes v WHERE VolumeID = ${N=SwisEntity;M=VolumeID} }

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