Modern Dashboards - export underlying data model?

I've created a modern dashboard to track CPU for a set of servers requested by the service owner.  I used a Perfstack analysis as the underlying data model.

I need to set up the same dashboard on a different Solarwinds system (in-house, just a separate system).

I've successfully exported and imported the dashboard as per these instructions: 

However, the underlying Perfstack analysis ("data model") did not come over with the export.  I'm guessing this is by design.

Do I have any way to export and import a Perfstack analysis?  Lots of articles on how to export the 'results' of Perfstack, but can't find anything about how to export and import the analysis definition.

Yes, in this case the two systems monitor the same set of servers.

Thanks in advance for any advice from the community.

  • Assuming there are not too many charts in the perfstack you are able to "build" a perfstack on the fly by manipulating the URL, so a script could translate all the object ID's by doing a bunch of lookups to find nodeid in systemA and replace it with equivalent nodeid in systemB.

    This thread from  got pretty in depth about how to manipulate those urls to be able to generate perf stacks in bulk, but once you load the URL you would have to hit the save button and go to your modern dashboard to update it to use the perfstack you just saved.  I'm not aware of a way to skip that step.

     Building Simple PerfStack Templates With SWQL 

    It's doable, just tedious.  And IIRC it falls apart of the perfstack gets to having too long of a url eventually, but its enough to get the ball rolling for most scenarios.

  • Assuming there are not too many charts in the perfstack you are able to "build" a perfstack on the fly by manipulating the URL, so a script could translate all the object ID's by doing a bunch of lookups to find nodeid in systemA and replace it with equivalent nodeid in systemB.

    This thread from  got pretty in depth about how to manipulate those urls to be able to generate perf stacks in bulk, but once you load the URL you would have to hit the save button and go to your modern dashboard to update it to use the perfstack you just saved.  I'm not aware of a way to skip that step.

     Building Simple PerfStack Templates With SWQL 

    It's doable, just tedious.  And IIRC it falls apart of the perfstack gets to having too long of a url eventually, but its enough to get the ball rolling for most scenarios.

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