Modern dashobards

Hello Guys,

Does anyone have an idea how do I have to link the widgets together in modern dashboards, I do have two widgets in same dashboard and wanted to check if I can link them together to make them interactive. Also I am looking about a way I can make KPI widgets with numbers clickable using the widget links in swql query. does soalwrinds have a path to refer to in the dashboard like how it has path to dashboardslike (/apps/platform/dashboard/).looks below query is not working to give a reference in a dashboard widgets.

SELECT TOP 1 InstanceSiteId, '/apps/platform/dashboard/' + TOSTRING(widgetid) as Link
FROM Orion.Dashboards.Widgets
WHERE DisplayName='Node_details'

  • Here is a code sample of how to put in a URL. Look at how AlertEdit_URL is set up in the code. 

    SELECT COUNT([History].AlertHistoryID) AS [Alert Count]
         , [History].AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.Name AS [AlertName]
         , [History].AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.Severity AS [AlertSeverity]
         , CONCAT( '/Orion/Alerts/Add/Default.aspx?AlertWizardGuid=', [History].AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.AlertRefID, '&AlertID=', [History].AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.AlertID ) AS [AlertEdit_URL]
         , [History].AlertObjects.EntityCaption AS [Entity]
         , [History].AlertObjects.EntityDetailsUrl AS [Entity_URL]
         , [History].AlertObjects.Node.VendorInfo.Icon AS [Entity_Vendor]
         , CASE
             WHEN [History].AlertObjects.EntityCaption = [History].AlertObjects.RelatedNodeCaption THEN '[Self]'
             ELSE [History].AlertObjects.RelatedNodeCaption
           END AS [RelatedNode]
         , [History].AlertObjects.RelatedNodeDetailsUrl AS [RelatedNode_Url]
    FROM Orion.AlertHistory AS [History]
    WHERE [History].TimeStamp >= GETDATE() - 30
      AND [History].EventType = 0 -- looks to be 'alert triggered'
      AND [History].AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.Name IS NOT NULL
    GROUP BY [History].AlertObjects.AlertConfigurations.Name
           , [History].AlertObjects.EntityCaption
           , [History].AlertObjects.RelatedNodeCaption
    ORDER BY COUNT([History].AlertHistoryID) DESC

  • Looking for linking widgets together in same dashboard with widget urls 

  • The example above shows the node name in the Modern Dashboard and when you click on it the link takes you directly to the node detail page. You can change that link to be anything you want via the query and what you chose in the column properties. 

  • I got it and it works when two dashboards having links togeter in table widgets, But currently I am looking for making KPI widgets interactive with numbers on it and looking link widgets together in same dashboards using widget links like how dashboards have URLs -'/apps/platform/dashboard/' . above two widgets are working together and shows data when we click on respective sites on right side. Do you have URLs for widgets?

  •     any idea how can I link widgets together in same dashboard.

  • You have to make each of those KPIs a different widget. Currently Modern dashboards KPI only allow you to have 1 link per widget. If you make a separate KPI widget for each of these you can use the link feature at the top of the widget configuration. That may take up a little more room on your dashboard.

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