Request for suggestion On Node & Interface Down Alerts

Hello Team,

I trust you're all doing well!

I'm reaching out for guidance to better meet my organization's needs. The requirement is to display all active alerts pertaining to node down in a separate view, whether it's on a Modern or Classic Dashboard, or through another method. Additionally, there should be a distinct view for active alerts related to interface down.

Could you advise on how I can achieve this and the most effective way to present it?

Parents Reply Children
  • Not installed, I am testing the query directly in the Modern dashboard query section. Below mentioned query is almost showing all the data which i required, except Active alert time and Acknowledge status is not showing.

    o.AlertConfigurations.Name AS [ALERT NAME]
    ,'/Orion/NetPerfMon/ActiveAlertDetails.aspx?NetObject=AAT:' + ToString(o.AlertObjectID) AS [_LinkFor_ALERT NAME]
    ,o.EntityCaption AS [ALERT OBJECT]
    ,o.EntityDetailsURL AS [_LinkFor_ALERT OBJECT]
    ,o.RelatedNodeCaption AS [RELATED NODE]
    ,o.RelatedNodeDetailsURL AS [_LinkFor_RELATED NODE]
    ,o.Node.IP_Address AS [IP ADDRESS]
    ,ToLocal(o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime) AS [ALERT TRIGGER TIME]
    ,o.AlertActive.TriggeredMessage AS [ALERT MESSAGE]
    WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 1 then 'Critical'
    WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 2 then 'Serious'
    WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 3 then 'Warning'
    WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 4 then 'Informational'
    WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 5 then 'Notice'
    END AS [Severity]
    FROM Orion.AlertObjects o
    WHERE o.AlertActive.TriggeredMessage <> ''
    and o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime >= ADDHOUR(-720, GETDATE())
    and o.AlertConfigurations.Name='Node is Down'
    ORDER by o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime DESC

  • Get SWQL studio working, trying to work this any other way will lead to confusion

    you'll get error messages and in-line autocomplete and error detection

  •   If you are having a hard time getting SWQL studio installed you need to download the SolarWinds SDK. That link will take you to the page, just download the .MSI

  • if not SWQL studio , try to run it in the SWIS page - https://yourdomain/orion/Admin/swis.aspx that way you can validate your query in quicker time , have you find a solution already