Request for suggestion On Node & Interface Down Alerts

Hello Team,

I trust you're all doing well!

I'm reaching out for guidance to better meet my organization's needs. The requirement is to display all active alerts pertaining to node down in a separate view, whether it's on a Modern or Classic Dashboard, or through another method. Additionally, there should be a distinct view for active alerts related to interface down.

Could you advise on how I can achieve this and the most effective way to present it?

  • I'd say a modern dashboard is perfect for this idea. Create a custom SWQL code block with whatever details your company requires and then use an MD to display nodes and interface alerts side by side, or one above the other.

    I think your biggest challenge will be in how to extract the data. A quick scroll through SWQL Studio shows me several tables that could help [Orion.AlertActive being the most promising] but how you "restrict" the data to current active alerts is the challenge. You could go with an approach that says: "if alert is not acknowledged then it must be Active" type of logic, but that relies on your users correctly acknowledging alerts in a timely manner. 

    I think a better approach [or at least one I'd prefer and find useful] would be to show the alerts that triggered today. Then perhaps you could create multiple views for yesterday, this week, etc...

  • Hi  ,

    I'm experiencing difficulties in writing a query. Could you assist me by providing a SWQL query that I can use in my Modern Dashboard table widget? On one Modern dashboard, I need to display two types of active alerts as mentioned below:

    1. The dashboard should display active alerts for nodes that are down, specifically for nodes with an ownership value of 'FKT'.

    2. The dashboard should display active alerts for interfaces that are down, specifically for interfaces with an ownership value of 'FKT'.

    -_-Thanks in Advance.

  • I am not a coder, and 99% of mine are acquired and edited.

    Try having a look through the 'content exchange' and see if anything is there that you can adapt. This one: Active alerts with acknowledge notes might be a place to start. 

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