Hi All,
I was recently tasked with migrating our wireless heatmaps from Cisco Prime to NPM. I've been playing around with it to get familiar with the functionality (I'm glad to be rid of having to deal separately with the Network Atlas so that's good). What are your thoughts, suggestions, and overall If-I-Had-To-Do-It-Over-I-Would-Remember-This ideas? I found a way to mass convert the PDF building diagrams to PNG using the Irfanview program. When I import the image I do notice it shows up pretty big and I have to zoom out right out of the gate. Not sure if you guys recommend pre-scaling it on import to not have to worry about that. Also the fact that the max map listing is capped at 30 maps is pretty annoying. We have at least 200 maps and it would be much smoother if the cap was larger to avoid the next page scrolling. Dropping the APs seems fairly easy (Infrastructure is Cisco WLC with thin APs), but I did see another thread that essentially said without some samples the coverage areas are more like a bad guess. Are you guys doing a few samples points per map? I found a laptop to be a little more accurate and less problematic than trying to take the samples with a phone. Thanks again!