What are your favorite Custom Properties?

What are your favorite Custom Properties? We have our equipment divided into types and I'm working on adding branch numbers. Does any one use a field to descript the purpose of the equipment?

  • Above and beyond others that have already posted we also use (and I like):

    • Access - as in 'what protocol is used to access the node'
    • Accessibility - as in the where and what to access a node. This usually would say something like "CheckPoint GUI 80.10 from x.y.3.50"
    • Client / ClientSite / ClientPrefix - these 3 all help us with alerts, reporting, etc to sub-identify them.
    • Node_In_BAU - my favourite of all CPs. Is the node in support (business as usual) or not .
  • Above and beyond others that have already posted we also use (and I like):

    • Access - as in 'what protocol is used to access the node'
    • Accessibility - as in the where and what to access a node. This usually would say something like "CheckPoint GUI 80.10 from x.y.3.50"
    • Client / ClientSite / ClientPrefix - these 3 all help us with alerts, reporting, etc to sub-identify them.
    • Node_In_BAU - my favourite of all CPs. Is the node in support (business as usual) or not .
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