Route table entry count

I have enabled route table monitoring on a couple of routers and set up an alert for neighbour monitoring. I would also like to send an email alert if the route count changes, but I can't seem to figure this out. I'm absolutely no expert in this, so would appreciate any help in setting this up.

Thank you.

  • Looking for something similar on Checkpoint. We have been experiencing an issue with a couple remote sites where they lose their OSPF routing table.  I want to get notified if the number of routes in the table changes.. The existing OOB alerts may cause noise because the routing peer would stay up. Anyone tested it on non-HCO environment for checkpoints?

  • There's a bunch of threads about on different routing alerts, one of those is the way to go I expect

    What I would do to implement exactly this would be to make a couple custom properties, and have a few alerts

    CP1 Previous_Route_Count
    CP2 Current_Route_Count

    Alert 1 writes COUNT(RouteID) to Current_route_count
    Alert 2 Looks for if Count(RouteID) = Current_Route_Count, if not then fling an alert one way if more and one if less, then write Current_Route_count to Previous_Route_count and COUNT(RouteID) to Current_route_count

    Something like that. Would need to think about it some more than I will right now