Need SWQL Assistance on VPN Connection Counts

I able to use the following SWQL Query to get a total session count for all my VPN appliances.


count ([data].[RemoteAccessSessions].[UserName]) AS [Total Sessions]
FROM orion.asa.node AS data
where [data].[RemoteAccessSessions].[EncryptionAlgorithm] = 1
and ([data].[RemoteAccessSessions].[NodeId] = XXX or [data].[RemoteAccessSessions].[NodeId] = XXX or [data].[RemoteAccessSessions].[NodeId] = XXX or [data].[RemoteAccessSessions].[NodeId] = XXX) and [data].[RemoteAccessSessions].[DisconnectedTime] is null

However, I would like to also display the individual count for each node in the same SWQL Query as well. 

Total Session = ### , Node 1 Sessions = ###, Node 2 Sessions = ###

  • I am looking for a query to show me who has a remote VPN connection using Cisco Anyconnect, how long they have been connected, and how many MB they have used.  

    I am looking at the following fields: 
    Table:  ASA_RemoteAccessSessions

    Columns:  UserName,     SessionStatus=1,     ConnectedTime, DisconnectedTime,     InTotalBytes;    OutTotalBytes

  • I am looking for a query to show me who has a remote VPN connection using Cisco Anyconnect, how long they have been connected, and how many MB they have used.  

    I am looking at the following fields: 
    Table:  ASA_RemoteAccessSessions

    Columns:  UserName,     SessionStatus=1,     ConnectedTime, DisconnectedTime,     InTotalBytes;    OutTotalBytes
