Hello there, I am very new to SolarWinds and I am stuck at generating a report.
What I want is to have a report that is scheduled to be sent to a mail every quarter (this is done) and the report should include only specific nodes and if or when they have gone down and the duration it has been down. I have tried creating one but even when I select specific nodes and set it to report only when down, it shows every status. I have also tried sql, which I modified to report only for specific nodes using its IP, but it only shows the duration in minutes and not when it has gone down. I tried searching for queries that matches my requirement but I found none. I also came across a post that said, these reports only provides data upto 30 days, which is useless in my case as I need the data from the past four months.
I would really appreciate it if someone can help me with this issue. Thanks!