Custom SQL / SWQL for alerts history - SLA reporting


I am looking for a SQL or SWQL query that helps me to extract a report of alerts history / active alerts which contains the following information:

Caption (Hostname), IP address, Object (Interface or node or any resource), Alert trigger time, Alert close time, Alert active time / Total time duration (in minutes/hours/days), Acknowledged or not, Acknowledged by, Alert name, Alert severity, Object Type (Node, Volume, Application etc).

Can anyone please help me in the above requirement?

  • It looks like I have all the things you are asking for, but they arent in a single query.  This should give you enough to piece it all together how you like.

    Active alerts

     o.AlertConfigurations.Name AS [ALERT NAME]   
     ,'/Orion/NetPerfMon/ActiveAlertDetails.aspx?NetObject=AAT:' + ToString(o.AlertObjectID) AS [_LinkFor_ALERT NAME]   
    WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 2 THEN '/Orion/images/ActiveAlerts/Critical.png'   
    WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 3 THEN '/Orion/images/ActiveAlerts/Serious.png'   
    WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 1 THEN '/Orion/images/ActiveAlerts/Warning.png'   
    WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 0 THEN '/Orion/images/ActiveAlerts/InformationalAlert.png'   
    WHEN o.AlertConfigurations.Severity = 4 THEN '/Orion/images/ActiveAlerts/Notice.png'   
    END AS [_iconfor_ALERT NAME]   
     ,case when o.entitycaption = o.RelatedNodeCaption then o.EntityCaption  
     else concat(o.RelatedNodeCaption, ' - ', o.entitycaption) end AS [ALERT OBJECT]   
     ,o.EntityDetailsURL AS [_LinkFor_ALERT OBJECT]   
     ,ToLocal(o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime) AS [ALERT TRIGGER TIME]   
    -- ,o.AlertActive.TriggeredMessage AS [ALERT MESSAGE]   
    --,'/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-' + n.StatusIcon AS [_IconFor_ALERT OBJECT]   
    ,'/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-' + p.StatusIcon AS [_IconFor_RELATED NODE]   
    when minutediff(o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime,GETUTCDATE())>1440 then (tostring(round(minutediff(o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime,GETUTCDATE())/1440.0,1)) + ' Days')   
    when minutediff(o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime,GETUTCDATE())>60 then (tostring(round(minutediff(o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime,GETUTCDATE())/60.0,1)) + ' Hours')   
    else (tostring(minutediff(o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime,GETUTCDATE())) + ' Minutes')   
    end as [Time Active]   
    , o.AlertIncident.IncidentNumber as Incident 
    , o.AlertIncident.IncidentUrl as [_linkfor_Incident] 
    From Orion.AlertActive aa    
    join Orion.AlertObjects o on aa.alertobjectid=o.alertobjectid   
    LEFT join Orion.Nodes p on p.nodeid=relatednodeid   
    left join orion.alerthistory ah on ah.AlertActiveID=aa.AlertActiveID and ah.EventType in (2,3)   
    -- WHERE o.AlertConfigurations.Name Like '%Restart%' 
    ORDER by o.AlertActive.TriggeredDateTime DESC

    Alert SLA

    --report on alerts triggered  
    select ac.Name 
    ,'/Orion/NetPerfMon/ActiveAlertDetails.aspx?NetObject=AAT:'+ToString(AlertObjectID) as [_linkfor_Name] 
    ,EntityCaption as [Trigger Object] 
    ,EntityDetailsUrl as [_linkfor_Trigger Object] 
    WHEN RelatedNodeCaption=EntityCaption THEN 'Self' 
    When RelatedNodeCaption!=EntityCaption THEN RelatedNodeCaption 
    End as [Parent Node] 
    ,RelatedNodeDetailsUrl as [_linkfor_Parent Node] 
    ,'/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-' + p.StatusIcon AS [_IconFor_Parent Node] 
    ,tostring(tolocal(ah.TimeStamp)) as [Trigger Time] 
    ,case when ack.timestamp is null then 'N/A' 
    else tostring(minutediff(ah.TimeStamp,ack.timestamp)) 
    end as [Minutes Until Acknowledged] 
    ,ack.Message as [Note] 
    ,case when reset.timestamp is null then 'N/A' 
    else tostring(minutediff(ah.TimeStamp,reset.timestamp)) 
    end as [Minutes Until Reset] 
    FROM Orion.AlertHistory ah 
    left join Orion.AlertObjects ao on ao.alertobjectid=ah.alertobjectid 
    left join Orion.AlertConfigurations ac on ac.alertid=ao.alertid 
    left join Orion.Actions a on a.actionid=ah.actionid 
    left join Orion.Nodes p on p.nodeid=RelatedNodeID 
    left join (select timestamp, AlertActiveID, AlertObjectID,message from orion.alerthistory ah where eventtype=2) ack on ack.alertactiveid=ah.AlertActiveID and ack.alertobjectid=ah.AlertObjectID 
    left join (select timestamp, AlertActiveID, AlertObjectID from orion.alerthistory ah where eventtype=1) reset on reset.alertactiveid=ah.AlertActiveID and reset.alertobjectid=ah.AlertObjectID 
    and ah.eventtype=0 
    --and (ac.Name like '%${SEARCH_STRING}%' or EntityCaption like '%${SEARCH_STRING}%' or RelatedNodeCaption like '%${SEARCH_STRING}%') 
    order by ah.timestamp desc

  • Thank you   for quick response. This solves the purpose. Just need one more thing to add in both the queries.

    Can you help me appending these columns?

    1. Acknowledged (Yes/No), Acknowledged By in Active Alerts query.

    2. For Alert SLA Query: Instead of daydiff(ah.timestamp,GETUTCDATE())<30 how can I use Between function for figuring out specific duration of alerts history please?

    Thank you....

  • You can't use the between function for calculating durations, it is just a shorthand for saying where timestamp > A and timestamp < B, its not a math function.

    My Alert SLA query has the calculations for comparing the time of the trigger event to the time of the close event to calculate the duration. Lines 19-21 cover that.

    And the Acknowledged is covered there in 15-17, right now its displaying N/A or a timestamp, but if you just want it to be t/f you change the case to be False where I have the N/A and change the the else to "True"

  • mesverrum on your script for the Active Alerts could it be possible to reduce this from all active alerts for all nodes to active alerts on nodes within a custom property variable to allow it to be added to dashboards based on those specific custom property nodes? 

  • Yeah, lots of ways to make that happen.  For example you could modify the query to have something like where p.customproperties.yourproperty = 'yourvalue'

    If I'm using them in dashboards i hate having to edit every query one by one so I'd most likely just apply a dashboard limitation based on the property or a group membership.