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NCM EOS/EOL Dates Query - 7.2

Hi, Upgraded to 7.2

Is there a way around having to go into every device and select the corrcet model and EOS/EOL date from the suggestions?

I already have EOS, EOL dates against most node IDs in NCM from manual work - and to now have to go back through and select 1000 of them manually is a bit much...any help?

If the answer to the above is "it is a manual process only" then i will need to be able to import the attached into the nodes table, linking the appropriate fields in the EOS tables to keep consistancy. as the moment I am about a year behind where i was with my own EOL reporting.

Edited: This needs to be based on 'Inventory data' as per my reports, NCM needs to be able to support switch stacks (3750x) and VSS (Virtual Switches) which are represented as one node in NPM, and for many other purposes in NCM, but for EOL/EOS and inventory based functions like this it will maybe need to EOL/EOS data residing in the Physical Inventory table instead? so that line cards and all other modules could be reported on?

CSV of current dates attached. (Cisco_EOL_Dates_PerNode_NCM.txt)

Copy of current report and colour formatting also attached (summary version only so I dont have to redact information). I will as soon as i have all the correct data in NCM Nodes re-create the sql report and share to the community. (Audit Count by Model ALL.pdf). All data is taken from NCM, formatting is as below;


=IIF(Fields!EoL.Value < Today(), "Red",

IIF(Fields!EoL.Value < dateadd(dateinterval.Year, 2, Today()), "Orange", IIF(Fields!EoL.Value < dateadd(dateinterval.Year, 15, Today()), "GreenYellow", "White")))


=IIF(Fields!EoL.Value < Today(), "White","Black")

Lastly I have some issues, which i will log here first then if required log a feature/bug request.

1. Device in Sale/Support

Would like it to show a 'green tick' next to devices that have not had an EOS or EOL raised against them.

"n\a" or similar in date fields. At the moment it looks like they have just not found a matching item,

and shows as 'no suggested dates' rather than 'no notice is applicable etc

2. Manual Date Boxes

Does NOT let you type in a date directly, have to scroll through months and months to get to the correct year!! not user friendly.

3. 'Best Match' Option

It may be better if NCM could match the PartNo not machinetype it seems to use (very good on Cisco EOL codes) and make a best match, rather

than manually having to go through each device and choose the one that matches.

Can SW share the matching code it uses? see if it can be tweaked by us SW users..
  • I need to make an important comment on this.  While I applaud Solarwinds for adding this functionality, it simply is not useable except in very rudimentary fashion.  I'll provides some examples.  Let's take the Cisco 37xx devices as a start.  NCM lumps all of them into a single Machine type of 37xx.  In fact Cisco sells about 50 different versions of this device and there is no way in the EOL function to sub list by specific model number, description, or part number.  The unique model number is in fact available via SNMP in NCM but is not one of the filed options on the columns pull down list.  Also in almost every case the suggested date info doesn't match the EOL documents for these devices.  I have found the same thing on other Cisco Machine type Suggested Dates documents.  We have been relegated to using the EOL fields as nothing more than a custom field and manually doing the look up.

    In addition while I realize this is a first stab at life cycle management, devices that are chassis and have plug in cards need life cycle management.  We in fact have Chassis that are not EOL but most of the cards are EOL.  What I'm saying is this product needs to be assigned a lot more development cycles

  • I must agree with Jeffnorton here - while its a nice "feature", its incomplete - it does NOT take into account the actual part number - here is an example - I have 15 ASA5505 firewalls in the field that we montior.  The part number can be anything from "ASA5505-bun-k9" for the most generic, to "ASA5505-UL-BUN-K9" for a different version - however, NCM thinks this is a Cisco CATALYST.. could not be more further from the reality.

    If SW can improve on the model detection, it might be usable, but for now - I hide all those panels in the interface.

  • Hi dclick,

    In NCM 7.3, the EoL/EoS part actually uses part numbers for finding the correct dates. See here:Network Configuration Manager v7.3 is Now GA!

    You must update inventory for the feature to work.



  • So I just did a quick survey using all Cisco 37xx devices in my network for EOS/EOL suggested dates. 100% of the suggested dates were either yellow or read with 100% of those being not applicable. I have 400 37xx devices. That means your database is giving me 100 % non-useful data for every device in this category

  • jeffnorton,

    Sorry that I'm highlighting that again, but have you updated the inventory?

    Then you need to resfresh the suggested dates. This operation should take at least a few minutes. If it's very quick then the system is probably not using the part numbers for some reason.



  • Where is update inventory? I’ve looked all across the EOL screen and only see the refresh suggested dates

  • It's NCM (Configs tab) -> Reports -> Update Inventory.

    You can also do it through a job.


  • That is being done every night and has been active since the 7.3 update. SO my original statement stands. You’re giving me 100% useless data on the class of device I mentioned

  • Hi Jeff Norton,

    I believe there's a problem in your NCM installation. If you have 400 37XX devices, you should definitely have some "green" EOL data. See the screenshots from my NCM:



    I suggest that you open a support ticket so that we could find the root cause of the problem.



  • There’s nothing wrong with the install. Your people have been over it on some other issues we had just after the 7.3 install.

  • Let me try and clarify this a bit. I have 540 37xx devices. Of that amount 400 are not assigned EOL dates. Of the 400 devices not assigned, 100% of those show dates that either are yellow or red. What I’m saying is that if it isn’t a sure fit or even a close fit then don’t show me suggested dates because those dates are 100 % not applicable. As it stands right now I have to go through these things one at a time just to see that none of them are applicable. A better method would be to show me a little color icon at the upper level list that shows me the highest match suggested date category so I don’t waste my time. Or let me apply a filter that says unless it’s green don’t show it as suggested. I recognize that this Is not perfect, but it is definitely doable. Cisco’s Ciscoworks product has had this capability for years and all the data they used are published on their web pages

    From: Norton, Jeff

    Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 6:55 AM

    To: ''

    Subject: RE: - NCM EOS/EOL Dates Query - 7.2

    There’s nothing wrong with the install. Your people have been over it on some other issues we had just after the 7.3 install.

  • Let me be even more specific. I have a Cisco WS-C3750G-24TS-E1U. It has an EOL document on the Cisco web site, The dates listed in the Cisco document are not mentioned at all in the Suggested dates for that part number in the Orion NCM database. It took me less than 1 min to find the Cisco document. All I did was google “WS-C3750G-24TS-E1U EOL”. Now I’m no rocket scientist only a humble network engineer, so if I can do that then the developers at Solarwinds should certainly be able to do that.

    From: Norton, Jeff

    Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 7:08 AM

    To: ''

    Subject: RE: - NCM EOS/EOL Dates Query - 7.2

    Let me try and clarify this a bit. I have 540 37xx devices. Of that amount 400 are not assigned EOL dates. Of the 400 devices not assigned, 100% of those show dates that either are yellow or red. What I’m saying is that if it isn’t a sure fit or even a close fit then don’t show me suggested dates because those dates are 100 % not applicable. As it stands right now I have to go through these things one at a time just to see that none of them are applicable. A better method would be to show me a little color icon at the upper level list that shows me the highest match suggested date category so I don’t waste my time. Or let me apply a filter that says unless it’s green don’t show it as suggested. I recognize that this Is not perfect, but it is definitely doable. Cisco’s Ciscoworks product has had this capability for years and all the data they used are published on their web pages

    From: Norton, Jeff

    Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 6:55 AM

    To: ''

    Subject: RE: - NCM EOS/EOL Dates Query - 7.2

    There’s nothing wrong with the install. Your people have been over it on some other issues we had just after the 7.3 install.

  • Let me be even more specific. I have a Cisco WS-C3750G-24TS-E1U. It has an EOL document on the Cisco web site, The dates listed in the Cisco document are not mentioned at all in the Suggested dates for that part number in the Orion NCM database. It took me less than 1 min to find the Cisco document. All I did was google “WS-C3750G-24TS-E1U EOL”. Now I’m no rocket scientist only a humble network engineer, so if I can do that then the developers at Solarwinds should certainly be able to do that.

    From: Norton, Jeff

    Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 7:08 AM

    To: ''

    Subject: RE: - NCM EOS/EOL Dates Query - 7.2

    Let me try and clarify this a bit. I have 540 37xx devices. Of that amount 400 are not assigned EOL dates. Of the 400 devices not assigned, 100% of those show dates that either are yellow or red. What I’m saying is that if it isn’t a sure fit or even a close fit then don’t show me suggested dates because those dates are 100 % not applicable. As it stands right now I have to go through these things one at a time just to see that none of them are applicable. A better method would be to show me a little color icon at the upper level list that shows me the highest match suggested date category so I don’t waste my time. Or let me apply a filter that says unless it’s green don’t show it as suggested. I recognize that this Is not perfect, but it is definitely doable. Cisco’s Ciscoworks product has had this capability for years and all the data they used are published on their web pages

    From: Norton, Jeff

    Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 6:55 AM

    To: ''

    Subject: RE: - NCM EOS/EOL Dates Query - 7.2

    There’s nothing wrong with the install. Your people have been over it on some other issues we had just after the 7.3 install.

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