Ability to Track Count of Connected Interfaces on Cisco Nodes?


Before I go off and write a custom Python script, I'd like to see if any one has had any luck with trying to find the count of connected interfaces on a typical Cisco node. I had written a quick SWQL, but quickly realized that it will only return information for managed interfaces only

In an ideal world, I would like to be able a command such as this and receive a number as the output:

show interface status | count connected

 Number of lines which match regexp = 99

The ability to track that number over a period of time in a time series database or graph similar to how SolarWinds can track bandwidth utilization over time would be amazing. Not sure how possible that is.


  • I've been able to make some progress with the following SWQL query:

    select n.nodename, i.InterfaceName, i.OperStatus, toutc(i.LastDiscovery) as [Last Discovery]
    from orion.nodes n
    LEFT JOIN ncm.interfaces i on i.Node.CoreNodeID = n.NodeID
    where n.nodename like '%NAME_OF_MY_NODE'
    and i.InterfaceName not like 'Stack%'
    and i.interfacename not like 'Nu0'
    and i.interfacename not like 'Vl%'
    and i.interfacename not like 'Gi0/0'
    and i.interfacename not like 'Lo%'
    and i.OperStatus like 'Up'

    I am now currently having trouble creating a custom chart. Has anyone ever done this before?

  • I've been able to make some progress with the following SWQL query:

    select n.nodename, i.InterfaceName, i.OperStatus, toutc(i.LastDiscovery) as [Last Discovery]
    from orion.nodes n
    LEFT JOIN ncm.interfaces i on i.Node.CoreNodeID = n.NodeID
    where n.nodename like '%NAME_OF_MY_NODE'
    and i.InterfaceName not like 'Stack%'
    and i.interfacename not like 'Nu0'
    and i.interfacename not like 'Vl%'
    and i.interfacename not like 'Gi0/0'
    and i.interfacename not like 'Lo%'
    and i.OperStatus like 'Up'

    I am now currently having trouble creating a custom chart. Has anyone ever done this before?

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