Does anyone knows what is the SQL Query to retrieve the data from "top xx NetFlow Sources by % Utilization " from the classic dashboard?
Does anyone knows what is the SQL Query to retrieve the data from "top xx NetFlow Sources by % Utilization " from the classic dashboard?
I just want to point out that the utilization is not calculated from NetFlow data, but instead it is taken from SNMP polled value. The query you are looking for is:
SELECT TOP (10) [T1].[NodeID] AS C1, [T1].[VendorIcon] AS C2, [T1].[Caption] AS C3, [T1].[GroupStatus] AS C4, [T2].[InterfaceID] AS C5, [T2].[InterfaceIcon] AS C6, [T2].[Caption] AS C7, [T2].[StatusLED] AS C8, [T2].[InPercentUtil] AS C9, [T2].[OutPercentUtil] AS C10 FROM dbo.Netflow_AllNetFlowSources AS T3 INNER JOIN dbo.Interfaces AS T2 ON [T3].[InterfaceID] = [T2].[InterfaceID] INNER JOIN dbo.NodesData AS T1 ON [T2].[NodeID] = [T1].[NodeID] WHERE [T2].[InPercentUtil] + [T2].[OutPercentUtil] > 0 AND [T3].[Enabled] = 1 ORDER BY [T2].[InPercentUtil] + [T2].[OutPercentUtil] DESC, [C3] ASC, [C7] ASC
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