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Loggly: What We're Working On (Updated On August 7, 2020)

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APM Integrated Experience: You have told us how important it is to have an integrated APM solution that provides metrics, traces, and logs. To maximize your observability, it also needs to include end-user experience monitoring. We've been listening, we've made progress, and we are working on integrating Pingdom now!

Learn more about our APM Integrated Experience

Log Filtering - We will provide the ability for users to gain more granular control over variations in log volume and value in order to help them enrich their logs with contextual data without accepting the high cost of indexing. 

Log Explorer - We are also working on a complete UI Re-design to help users seamlessly troubleshoot and explore their log data. This will further make Loggly simple and easy to use. 

Log Rehydration - Incentivize users to retain fewer log events within the loggly platform by providing the ability to rehydrate via an archive (Eg: AWS S3 bucket) when needed. This will enable users to decrease their retention period across all their log sources to further reduce costs. 

  • Any thoughts on linking integrating Loggly with NCM Real Time Change Detection? If loggly is handling all the logs, forwarding those events or triggering the NCM backup job based on change detection seems like a natural fit.

  • I think here is the answer to RTCD as of July 2023. It is from the 2023.2.1 Release notes for SolarWinds HCO. Note the section about third party syslog solutions. The recommendation is to have them forwarded. I understand this, but it seems like a natural to have that integration be built into Kiwi and Loggly - send those logs directly to LA to start the NCM job. Instead, you still need to build your own integration even with Kiwi and Loggly. 

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    Real-time change detection (RTCD) works as expected. This fix includes the following changes:

    • The program RTNForwarder.exe is no longer launched to download the updated configuration file. This program is still present on your SolarWinds Platform server, but it is not used.

    • The Log Viewer (LV) and Log Analyzer (LA) now include a new action called Real-Time Config Change Detection. This action is available only if NCM or Hybrid Cloud Observability Advanced is installed.

      In 2023.2.1 and later, this action is used (instead of Run External Program) in rules configured for real-time change detection. The Real-Time Config Change Detection action requires no configuration. You don't need to specify an executable or provide command line arguments.

    During an upgrade, the installer makes the following changes:

    • Any LV or LA rules (preconfigured or custom) that performed the action of launching RTNForwarder.exe are automatically updated to perform the new Real-Time Config Change Detection action instead.

    • If there are any SolarWinds Platform alerts configured to launch RTNForwarder.exe as an action, that action is disabled.

    Using Kiwi Syslog Server or a third-party syslog or trap receiver with RTCD is not recommended. If you are currently using anything other than LV or LA, SolarWinds recommends that you do the following after the upgrade:

    1. Have the syslog or trap receiver forward messages to the SolarWinds Platform server.

    2. In LV or LA, enable the default rule or configure custom rules to detect config change notifications. For more information, see Step 2 of Configure real-time change detection in NCM.