Not Good - Still Needs a LOT of Work

I just installed NG 1.2, migrated my rules and then after an hour uninstalled it and installed Legacy 9.8.3.

Main complaints:

  • Can't resize display columns so your message is cut off and does not wrap making it a useless log viewer.
  • Does not support AD credentials/integration so all administrators have to be added as local accounts
  • Rule migration is borderline useless. All of the variables in the legacy version are no longer valid. Everything is in a $.Message.<attribute> format so you have to edit all of your actions manually.
  • Every time you disable or enable a rule it jumps you back to the top and there is no option to select more than one so if you have 100 rules you need to temporarily disable while you are fixing bullet #3 you will be disabling for a while.
  • If you are using Chrome on the server to try and edit rules it will max out your memory rather quickly.
  • Overall it takes a lot more clicking and scrolling around to accomplish the same tasks you would perform in the legacy version.

Nice things:

  • The dashboard
  • Built-in Display filtering options

It has potential but for people migrating from the legacy syslog to this you need to try and make things more like-for-like.


  • Hi  ,

    I would like to sincerely thank you for complex feedback. We are aware of some shorts of Kiwi Syslog Server NG and we are committed to be improving the product bit by bit.

    About your mentioned items - both AD integration and column resizing are topics on our roadmap.

    We are no longer tracking chrome performance issue as we believed we tackled them in version 1.1. If you continue to see issues, do not hesitate to contact our support team and work with us to identifying the root cause.

    Thank you once again and I believe you will try future versions of Kiwi NG


  • Any estimated date the resize column issue will be fixed? Without this feature, cannot see the complete message. 

  • Ridiculous you even have to ask this.  It's been a request for over a year.  A request to expand a column to display a log, in a not cheap sys LOGGER.  You cannot make this stuff up!!