Installing in an air-gapped environment?

 Fails on the check of aspnetcore even though its installed.

  • Same problem here. The installed ASP .NET Core Runtime is not detected.

    Per the logfile, setup always tries to download the installer. In my environment, servers have no access to the internet, so the download fails and so does the setup.

    Please fix this or give an option to turn the download off by parameter.

  • Hello  ,  

    we are sorry for the troubles with new installer on environment without internet.

    We are analyzing how we can resolve this issue and so far we have one workaround.

    You can install KSS NG in any computer with internet and copy folders C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\dotnet-runtime-7.0.4-win-x64.exe, C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\aspnetcore-runtime-7.0.4-win-x64.exe from this computer to computer w/o internet.

    Please, try to copy the two folders and let us know whether it helped your case. 
    Thank you

  • Hi mgebauer.

    I can confirm that your workaround resolves the installation issue. I was able to install the new version without problems after copying the files.

    For those who cannot or don´t want to install the software on another computer, please try the following:

    Open the following two URL with you webbrowser and save the file somewhere on your computer:


    Now go to your Kiwi Syslog-NG server and create the following directories:

    • C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\dotnet-runtime-7.0.4-win-x64.exe
    • C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\aspnetcore-runtime-7.0.4-win-x64.exe

    Finally, copy the files from your computer to the corresponding directory you have just created. The filenames need to be changed, otherwise it won´t work:

    • Copy dotnet-runtime-7.0.4-win-x64.exe from your computer to C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\dotnet-runtime-7.0.4-win-x64.exe and rename the file to DotNet70 (yes, without a file extension!)
    • Copy aspnetcore-runtime-7.0.4-win-x64.exe from your computer to C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\aspnetcore-runtime-7.0.4-win-x64.exe and name the file AspNetCore70 (without extension!)

    The full filepaths should now look like this:

    • C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\dotnet-runtime-7.0.4-win-x64.exe\DotNet70
    • C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\aspnetcore-runtime-7.0.4-win-x64.exe\AspNetCore70

    The installer should now recognize both files and finish the installation successfully.

  • Thank you for the confirmation  .

    We are working on regular fix, so this issue will not repeat in the future. Sorry for inconvenience.

  • Hi mgebauer,

    We are also having the same issue.

    As suggested we installed the Syslog Server NG on a computer with internet. But we are not able to locate the above folders in Package Cache folder.

    Any suggestions?


  • Hello  ,

    if you are seeing this issue in version Kiwi NG 1.2.1, please contact support team. We would need to investigate why this is happening, as it should not.

    Thank you

  • Hello mgebauer,

    We are trying with NG version We will contact support team.