"Write to file" logs use UTC


Noticed that while the dashboard applies the timezone used on the OS to events, the log files created with a "write to file" rule have UTC timestamps.  Is this configurable somewhere?  We would like everything in local time simalar to Kiwi Legacy.


Parents Reply
  • Hello. Is there any solution for this issue by now?

    My kiwi NG server is runnig on CET time, and the logfiles timestamps have a 2 hours offset before the system time when using the "Kiwi format ISO UTC yyyy-mm-dd" format, and a daily log rotation timestamp from 00:00 till 23:59 hour.

    When using the "Kiwi format UTC yyyy-mm-dd" format the daily log rotation timestamps start at 02:00 till 01:59 hour. 

    I would like to see the correct timestamps in the logfiles.

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