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Event Log Forwarder - Where is the Audit Failure Type?

Hi There,

I'm trialing Kiwi Syslog and I'm having trouble with the Log Forwarder and Security Event Log.  When I click on the Security Log I don't see Audit Success or Audit Failure as an event type.  It just has Error, Warning and Information.  If I manually edit the CFG file and add <int>16</int> it works, but then it gets overwritten if I make a change.  Am I doing something wrong?  How can I see Audit Failure as an Event Type?


  • Because of changes in the security event logs starting with Windows 2008, you will find these options under the Keywords section:


  • I have my client setup exactly like that and it doesn't seem to work.  In fact, when I setup a subscription for the Security log the service won't start.  If I delete the subscription it starts again.  Application and System logs work perfectly.

    Here is the error message I get when the service won't start.

    3/19/2015 9:54:38 AM - Unable to setup Windows Event Log subscribers.  Subscribe failed with error 15001, The specified query is invalid.

    3/19/2015 9:54:38 AM - Server Initialization Failed.  See previous event messages for reason.

    3/19/2015 9:54:38 AM - SolarWinds Event Log Forwarder for Windows; Service Stopped.

  • Are you selecting only the Security event log?

  • Yes, I added it as a separate subscription that only has the Security log.  It appears that it breaks when I add the "Audit Failure" keyword.  If I select nothing for the keywords it works as expected, the service starts and I get everything including success and failure syslogs.  As soon as I add the Audit Failure keyword the service won't start.  Removing it starts again.  One thing to note is that I am running the latest version 1.20.


  • Yes, I added it as a separate subscription that only has the Security log.  It appears that it breaks when I add the "Audit Failure" keyword.  If I select nothing for the keywords it works as expected, the service starts and I get everything including success and failure syslogs.  As soon as I add the Audit Failure keyword the service won't start.  Removing it starts again.  One thing to note is that I am running the latest version 1.20.

