Hi SolarWinds team,
As we have large environment, so tool administrator facing issue while providing access to the different users for different features into IPAM.
so, my request is there should be one more access role between power user and operator. because power user can do everything and operator can do only IP management & DHCP managed scope IP reservation, but operator users can't replicate the DHCP scope IP reservation to the partner server. If operator have access to mark reservation to DHCP scope, then the user needs to replicate the reservation to the partner server as well but now for operator users "replicate scope" option is invisible. so that's why I'm asking there should one more access role between power user and operator. it should be like "Operator plus" or whatever you want to give the new role name and this user should have access to mark the reservation to DHCP managed scope and also this user can use the "replicate scope" option only but can't be able to access the options shown on DHCP server tab, also on DHCP scope tab except "replicate scope" option user not able access any other options like add, delete scope etc.
one more suggestion from my end that is SolarWinds IPAM should have more granular permission for the different users like administrator should have the permission options to restrict users.
suppose that i have provided "power user" access to a user and after getting the access user can access everything in the IPAM tool except IP request approver feature. but I want to restrict this user. I'm sharing few examples below: -
- this user can be able to add and edit the DHCP servers and scopes but can't be able to access the "DELETE" option on DHCP\DNS tabs.
- for DHCP scope tab only I want to restrict user to add new scope but except "add" all other option should be accessible.
Hope you will consider this request for future release. because IPAM should have more granular access levels and permissions. Thanks