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IPAM Create Groups via API / SWQL / SQL

Is there really no way to create an IPAM group other than the GUI?

  • Hi Greg,

    It is possible, first you'll need to get the Orion SDK PowerShell working - 
    Then you'll need to familiarise yourself with:

    New-SwisObject $swis -EntityType 'IPAM.Subnet'

    Details can be found here - 

    But for the impatient, I found this minimal code worked Laughing

    $new_subnet = @{ Address = ""; 
                      CIDR = "24"; 
                      FriendlyName = "Home" ; 
                      ParentID = [ParentID]; 
                      Comments = "No place like Thwack"; }
    New-SwisObject -SwisConnection <connection> -EntityType IPAM.Subnet -Properties $new_subnet

    If you then look at IPAM.Subnet (SWQL) you can see the parent/child hierarchy:

    Compare this to your own UI and you'll work out who is the parent of which child pretty quickly.

    I used this method to extract every subnet from an aging IPAM and create the same set-up on a new IPAM server, all from the API, with SWQL and PowerShell. 

    I hope it helps!

  • Hi, Rich. I'm missing how this is creating a group.

    This may be a separate question, but I have a similar situation in NPM. I have a list of 100 devices that need to be in a group or custom property added. There is nothing common from them to match on so I need to use their individual names. Group configuration nor custom property editor allows SWQL queries in the web UI, as far as I can tell.



  • Steve,

    These are IPAM Groups which are in reality subnets, that need to be defined in the system before they get polled for IP usage. Manually this takes a few minutes per subnet, so using SWIS is very handy for when there's more than a few to do 

    Or you second comment, that's not an enviable task you have there.
    But if the information is stored somewhere, say like in a spreadsheet, then you can use a script to parse them into Orion via SWIS. CSV to PowerShell is pretty easy, then parse that into Custom Properties you want.
    Are the custom properties pre-existing or do they need to be create with the import?


  • Steve,

    These are IPAM Groups which are in reality subnets, that need to be defined in the system before they get polled for IP usage. Manually this takes a few minutes per subnet, so using SWIS is very handy for when there's more than a few to do 

    Or you second comment, that's not an enviable task you have there.
    But if the information is stored somewhere, say like in a spreadsheet, then you can use a script to parse them into Orion via SWIS. CSV to PowerShell is pretty easy, then parse that into Custom Properties you want.
    Are the custom properties pre-existing or do they need to be create with the import?


  • The custom property (just one) already exists. I just need to apply it to each node. I've devised a SQL query to do the work, but a little hesitant to run that in a production environment. So then I thought, maybe I can use a group, but then run into the same issue with the group.

    I did find a CSV import script in another post. I may give that a try.

    Thanks for your quick response!