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Is it possible to host EOC with Additional Webserver (AWS)

Are we able to use SolarWinds additional web servers for our EOC website? Most users will be directed to the EOC site instead of a solarwinds instance site directly, so it would make sense for us to put the additional webserver into our EOC site. Does EOC provide this capability? 

  • We do in production.

    The main EOC we have a name we will call it manager.  The users go to say EOC.FQDN.  This is for  us a series of Additional web servers behind  load balancing.  We add AWS as needed.  Licenses are cheap comparatively speaking.  This boosted our performance significantly.  Our environment it made sense for the split the way we do the work load of who can make changes and who is read only and things of that nature.

  • Hi  

    So if we need to add AWS to the EOC Architecture, Do we need to add it to distribute the load in the EOC Webconsole level or Do we add to distribute load between different Solarwinds Instance website level?

    What is the most possible solution that we can implement when we need to support EOC with AWS?

  • What we learned in our configuration was we have different types of users. For simplicity I will break into 3 categories:

    1. 100% read only.  (majority of users)

    2. Extremely limited write, IE, maybe close alerts, or approve NCM etc. (small amount)

    3. 100% write capabilities:  Full Admin ( a few).

    The load on the system is different.  user group 1 and 2 can handle 25-40 users per web.  User group 3 No more than 10.

    So we put AWSs for EOC behind a load balancer, and add as needed so that its one alias.

    User group 3 is managed by common sense of the admins.

    Our case the performance hit came from the EOC itself.  However, in my mind I have toyed with the idea of putting our heaviest used site behind a load balancer (LB) with AWS and have the EOC connect that way.  My fear is having the LB taking down a site and adding the latency in.  We have not had to test it yet, but I can see that test down the road, in the next year or so.+- of course as my crystal ball is cracked.

  • What we learned in our configuration was we have different types of users. For simplicity I will break into 3 categories:

    1. 100% read only.  (majority of users)

    2. Extremely limited write, IE, maybe close alerts, or approve NCM etc. (small amount)

    3. 100% write capabilities:  Full Admin ( a few).

    The load on the system is different.  user group 1 and 2 can handle 25-40 users per web.  User group 3 No more than 10.

    So we put AWSs for EOC behind a load balancer, and add as needed so that its one alias.

    User group 3 is managed by common sense of the admins.

    Our case the performance hit came from the EOC itself.  However, in my mind I have toyed with the idea of putting our heaviest used site behind a load balancer (LB) with AWS and have the EOC connect that way.  My fear is having the LB taking down a site and adding the latency in.  We have not had to test it yet, but I can see that test down the road, in the next year or so.+- of course as my crystal ball is cracked.

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