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Announcing Enterprise Operations Console 2.1 Beta!

The Enterprise Operations Console 2.1 Beta is available and accessible through the EOC Beta forum!

In order to participate in this beta please follow the enrollment instructions here to verify your maintenance and be granted access.  Contribute detailed feedback to earn 3000 Thwack points.

  • Thanks for your reply.

    No I dont see EOC v2.1 BETA and for this reason I like to know what is the new features in that.

    I use EOC in my NOC.

    I have 3 site that with more than 25000 node.

    We made some live widgets in old version that show NOC operators issues in brief like down interface , down App or.......

    We made many filter in our widgets cause type of down interface or apps is important to each part of our NOC team.

    Now making this filters is harder in EOC v2.0 and we have few options for making this widgets.

    In brief I should tell you that making this type of panel take more time and at the end its not that we want really.

  • Thanks for your reply.

    No I dont see EOC v2.1 BETA and for this reason I like to know what is the new features in that.

    I use EOC in my NOC.

    I have 3 site that with more than 25000 node.

    We made some live widgets in old version that show NOC operators issues in brief like down interface , down App or.......

    We made many filter in our widgets cause type of down interface or apps is important to each part of our NOC team.

    Now making this filters is harder in EOC v2.0 and we have few options for making this widgets.

    In brief I should tell you that making this type of panel take more time and at the end its not that we want really.

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