What is the limitation in SAM or NPM that a customer would need EOC to manage?
EOC is really about offering deployment options, and depends on what you are trying to accomplish. There is not a "limitation" that requires EOC to be involved for the most part. When discussing the Orion Suite of products with customers, we often get the question of “how does Orion scale?”
The answer is that SolarWinds provides multiple methods available for customers to choose from:
Take the below graphic, you have a worldwide network with teams responsible for managing their respective region, so an Orion installation resides in each; North America, EMEA and APAC.
EOC’s main functionality is to aggregate data from multiple Orion server installations and display that data in a similar fashion as the Orion Web Console. As an example, the global NOC/ Management Team may require a comprehensive view of all entities into a single dashboard for a representation of status, current alerts, and need the ability to run reports across the worldwide environment. The Enterprise Operations Console provides this visibility for you. Administrators even have the ability to create customized accounts and restrict what data each Orion EOC user is permitted to see. These restrictions can be set on an individual basis by customizing user settings and on a group basis by defining roles.
Here is a KB that goes through scalability engines and scalability by product: https://support.solarwinds.com/Success_Center/Network_Performance_Monitor_(NPM)/NPM_Documentation/Scalability_Engine_Gui…
Please let me know if there is any confusion. I would certainly recommend syncing up with your Account Manager and a SE to walk though it in depth if you have questions.
In Summary - A single Orion Instance:
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