I'm the most interested in EOC to do unified reporting across different Orion instances. I tend to fall back on the raw queries to get to the data I want and while the lack of inclusion of SQL along with SWQL is frustrating, I understand it from a design perspective.
What I've been struggling with is where the SWQL in EOC seems to function differently than the SWQL elsewhere. For instance, I have a query for a report that runs fine in SWQL Studio, runs fine on an individual Orion instance and then does nothing except kick out "Query is not valid" on EOC. The query is below and you'll note that there is only one custom property that definitely exists across my instances. Everything else should be a function of SWQL that would work on both the individual Orions and EOC.
Futhermore, since EOC runs the SWQL against the other instances directly, there's not really a good way like SWQL Studio to run the query on the EOC and get some more pertinent error information.
I'd welcome any thoughts anyone can give. I've tripped over a number of EOC SWQL items - this is just one obvious example.
select n.Caption, IP_Address,
TOSTRING(vm.VolumeSize/1024/1024/1024) + ' GB' as VirtualMemory,
TOSTRING (ram.VolumeSize/1024/1024) + ' MB' as RAM,
TOSTRING((vm.VolumeSize-ram.VolumeSize)/1024/1024) + ' MB' as PageFile,
TOSTRING(((vm.VolumeSize-ram.VolumeSize)-ram.VolumeSize)/1024/1024/1024) + ' GB' as PageFileDiff
from Orion.Nodes n
FULL JOIN (select NodeID, VolumeSize from Orion.Volumes
where VolumeType='Virtual Memory')
on vm.NodeID=n.NodeID
FULL JOIN (select NodeID, VolumeSize from Orion.Volumes
where VolumeType='RAM')
on ram.NodeID=n.NodeID
where n.CustomProperties.Department='Physician Services'
and MachineType like '%WINDOWS%'
and ((vm.VolumeSize-ram.VolumeSize)-ram.VolumeSize)/1024/1024/1024<1
order by ((vm.VolumeSize-ram.VolumeSize)-ram.VolumeSize)/1024/1024/1024