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It has been almost three year since the original thread (IS TOOLSET STILL BEING ACTIVELY DEVELOPED?) was posted.  There was a short reply with a link to a retroactive post (WHAT WE'RE WORKING ON FOR TOOLSET (UPDATED ON OCTOBER 20, 2016) ) and then silence.  Nada.  Nothing.  Zip. Zilch.

Is this how we, your loyal customers, can expect to be treated all the time?  It is getting harder and harder to recommend we keep using products from Solarwinds when so many times we don't know if today's product will be tomorrow's cast-off.  (sic. Alert Central)  I'm not talking about tons of new features and adding value to a product I already own;  I'm talking about keeping up with your own standards (GUI and interfaces) as well as staying on current, modern, supported operating systems.  

Just keeping your user-base informed would be refreshing.  Will ETS be getting support for 2016 and 2019?  If you're dropping support for server-based installs, then TELL US!  My next fight for renewing support on Solarwinds products will not be a fight.  My plan is to either get answers of get new, supported products.  If you push me away to other vendors, that's on you.

  • We appreciate your loyalty and interest in Engineer's Toolset. ETS is a mature and feature-rich network product and we constantly work on updates and improvements. You can find the latest set of updates in the 2020.2 release notes here. These changes include updates to SFTP/SCP server and changes for SSH2 default usage. We do support Windows Server 2016 and we prioritize UI improvements as best we can given ETS includes over 60 distinct tools.

  • I hardly feel appreciated as a LOYAL customer (which I have been for more than 15 years).  The latest release  ("ETS 2020.2.6July 15, 2021") was hardly even maintenance, let alone upgrading to modern standards.  I don't understand your comment "...we prioritize UI improvements as best we can given ETS includes over 60 distinct tools."  We, your loyal customer base pay for support and upgrades.  With this product the last annual payment was money for nothing as there have been NO updates, NO improvements and absolutely NOTHING done in over 14 months.  The past 5 updates have had no significant improvements.  

    Toolset is so tired and the UI is absolute CRAP.  Case in point is Ping Sweep "collapses" to the header instead of minimizing to the task bar.  If you have it open, there is no way to get it off the screen temporarily.  This is such and old and failed UI methodology that no other programs I know of use it.

    Looking for a few things here.

    • Meaningful replies about where this product is headed.  The "What we're working on" page has not been updated since October of 2016.
    • A realistic projection of the next update.
    • A NOT canned reply that starts with "We appreciate your loyalty and interest in Engineer's Toolset."  Solarwinds is a big enough company that they can spare a few developers to keep ALL of their products up-to-date.  If this is how SW intends to care for products moving forward then perhaps I need to return the calls from Nagios.

    Caring for customers is more than canned replies and generic comments.  It's listening and providing meaningful feedback.  Frankly, every post I see about this product is old and NEVER gets more than a brief  touch before being ignored for YEARS.  Our next renewal will see several products being dropped for lack of improvements and modernization if the trend continues:

    • ETS
    • Kiwi Syslog
    • Kiwi Log viewer
    • UDT
    • Web Help Desk (already dropped)
    • SRM
    • Dameware